Sassy Friends

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Aiden and I warily walked towards the front door of my house- which suddenly seemed so much scarier.

I opened the door with my key and saw Ryder sitting on a couch with his head in his hands. I walked to him and contemplated if I should sit down or not. Oh who am I kidding- I sat down as close to him as I could get without acting like a creeper, and hugged him.

He hugged me back. His arms dangerously tight. "You're home", he said lowly. "We were worried", he said.

Zach came downstairs and saw me- he immediately grabbed me and squeezed me to him. He protectively kept his hands on me. "Where were you? Who were you with? Are you okay? Are you hungry? Do you need to go the hospital? Should I call 911? Do you want a hot bath? Should I call Mother?-"

"BRUH!", Ryder and Aiden said at the same time.

He glared at them and looked at me with a million questions in his eyes. "I'll tell you tonight", I mouthed to him so that the others couldn't see.

Zach nodded, "Midnight, have you always been this smelly? It's unnatural", he said while smirking.

"Have you always been this ugly?", I replied snarky.

"BRUH!", Ryder said again.

Aiden started our sequence-

"You just got boiled", he said.

"Roasted", I continued.

"And STEAMED!", all three of us, Ryder, Aiden and I said while popping our collars.

Zach looked horrified.

"What.........just..........happened", he whispered scared.

I have some sassy friends, huh?

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