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I wake up in my bed- as if I almost didn't get raped yesterday.

I start to cry as I realize this, Zach hears me, and comes into my room.

He puts his arms around me- and lets me cry my problems out. I think about how much I missed this- brother and sister time- and cry even harder.

In the end- I just went to school late. I skipped like two days of school already, so when Jake told me that Aiden was in all of our classes as well as Zach - I couldn't help but think that fate was playing pranks on everyone.

I drove to school- Zach in the passenger seat. We got good parking spots today- I don't know why.

Guys tried to hit on me- but skittered off when Zach growled at them.

We got up to the garden where we used tto sit as freshmen together. Jocks and Cheerleaders came and took up most of the room though.

I saw Aiden and was about to wave when I saw who was with him and my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Kelly- the school's head cheerleader- was on Aiden's lap and openly making out with him. Aiden didn't seem startled or anything- it was intended.

I felt the same betrayal over and over again.

I got up- my plan was to run as hard and as fast as I could away from this place- but Zach grabbed my arm.

"Don't let him affect you, if it wasn't for my plan, I would be beating his butt right now", he said.

"What's your plan, Zachy?", I asked him.

In a nutshell- Aiden's best friend, who used to be almost another brother for me, would "fake-date" me, and Aiden would walk in on us making out.

Maybe he would feel as bad as I did.

Zach and I finished the rest of the day planning and telling Taylor and Jake about it. We avoided Aiden as much as we could- and he could tell. But that didn't stop him from having a new girl hanging off of his arm every period.

He walked into PE 45 minutes late with a rumpled shirt and lipstick marks all over his neck and who knows where else.

I could feel my heart break every time I saw him.

I was done being a weak, little, girl.

It's time for a change.


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