Part 2 of Jealous Bad Boy

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The rest of the day, Ryder and I held hands and acted all mushy with each other. For the classes we didn't have together (with Aiden), we would skip and rumple up our clothes and I would smudge my lipstick a bit to act like we just spent an entire period making out in a janitors closet.

Ryder and I could tell that Aiden was getting frustrated. We didn't think he would go too far..........

I went into the bathroom to do my buisness, and was finishing washing my hands when I heard voices floating through the bathroom door.

Two male voices...........Aiden and Ryder.


"Stay away from her"

"Why? You don't have any claim over her; In fact, you cheated on her"

"I'm working on getting her back dude, I thought you were my best friend"

"I did too, before you started to go batshit and make out with anything that wears a skirt"

"I wanted her to want me back"

"You think that making her heart break even more will help?"


"Just leave Aiden, you don't deserve her"

"I'll fight for her"

"May the best man win"

I heard footsteps fade away- Aiden left.

I got out of the bathroom after a moment acting as if I didn't hear their private conversation.

The last bell of the day rang.

"Let us take a stroll to your beautiful Camaro, Miss Gray?", said Ryder in a British accent.

"Oh of course, Mr Whitlock", I replied in the same accent.

Ryder chuckled- and I couldn't help but smile at the sound. It was a deep sound that made you get chills.

"What, may I ask, are you smiling about?", Ryder said yet again in a Brit accent.

"Nothing", I said quickly- too quickly.

He looked at me weird.

We met up with Zach and all drove home, where Zach told me that Ryder would be living with us since Mom is never home anyway.

I lie on my bed wondering about my weird moment with Ryder.

Do I have a crush on Ryder?...................................................

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