Frights, Fights, and ..........Kisses?

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I screamed like freaking Bloody Mary was after me.

Let me just say- it was gut-wrenching.

I curled my hand into a fist and punched blindly.

"WHAT THE HELL MIDNIGHT?", I heard a male voice yell out.

I shoved the hand off of me and turned to see who the hell decided to give me a heart attack.

It was Zach.


He was on the floor with a purpling jaw.

"You scared me?, I said.

He gave me a look that said "yeah right".

"You don't even get scared while watching horror movies, you're telling me that I, your completely harmless brother, had caused that scream?", he said in a disbelieving tone.

Out of all the days in the years we lived together, he decides to be observant NOW?

Where was he when I told him to do chores?.......

"Ermmm...........", I muttered searching through my head for an excuse.

Light bulb.

I started to cry.

"Why are you so MEAN to me!? Why can't you go get me food huh?! Is there another girl in your life I don't know about!? You're just gonna got get that other girl chocolate but not me?! JUST LET ME GO DOWNSTAIRS!".

Zach, for a lack of better words, looked like he was about to shiz his pants.

He paled and left my room while muttering something about chocolate, mood swings, and something about shark week.

Well my plan worked.

I strutted downstairs to pick out movies for our movie night.

We started to watch Divergent when I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

Ryder followed me because he wanted to help too.

The popcorn was on the tippy top shelf, almost touching the top of the kitchen, so I couldn't reach.

Being the idiot I am, I climbed onto the counter instead of asking for help.

I got the popcorn but I lost my balance and slipped.

I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact, but it didn't occur.

I opened my eyes to meet concerned blue grey ones.

Ryder had caught me and currently had his arms around my waist.

"You okay?", he whispered to me.

"Yeah", I whispered back, not wanting to break the serious mood around us.

His eyes flickered down to my lips and back to my eyes in a flash.

His face slowly lowered down to mine.

His lips were gentle against mine, soft and caring.

My hands having dropped the popcorn bags who knows how long ago, moved in their own accord.

They slid up Ryder's shoulders and tangled themselves in his slightly shaggy dark brown hair.

He exhaled slightly, moving his hands from my waist to my face where he cupped it and continued to kiss me.

Out of nowhere the lights went out.

Claps of thunder resonated throughout the house.

Lightning flashed into the kitchen through the windows.

"Well damn", Ryder muttered.

Well damn indeed Ryder, well damn indeed.



I can't express how grateful I am to all of you guys reading this.

I just wanted to thank everyone for taking your time to read my story.



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