Protective Brothers

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There was a seat next to Zach and a seat next to Ryder since they were sitting in the middle of the 3 seat couch.

I pushed them both to the side and sat in-between them.

Ryder's abs were open for everybody to see- so why not? YOLO.

"I saw that", said Zach in my ear so that Ryder couldn't hear.

"Go put a shirt on Whitlock", Zach said gruffly to Ryder.

"Okay Gray", Ryder replied sarcastically.

Ryder went upstairs to put on a shirt, and the moment he was out of earshot, Zach started the talk.

"I don't want you to be hurt again. You deserve so much more. Mom isn't here so it's my responsibility to take care of you. You're my baby sister- by a couple minutes- but still. I won't let anything happen to you. I promised Dad I would."

The last line got to me.

Our Dad passed away when Zach and I were 9. He was the best Dad we could ever ask for- but he was killed by a drunk driver. That's why Zach and I don't drink at all- not even the drinks at fancy parties.

"Okay Zachy, I love you. But I can make decisions. If I mess up, I always have you to fix it. You're one of the most important people in my life."

I hugged him, "I love you", we both said to each other.

"Woah, I didn't know you guys were into incest", I heard Ryder yell.

"SHUTTUP WHITLOCK", Zach sassily screeched at Ryder.

"What.........was that.........?", Ryder and I said at the same time.

We looked at each other and grinned- we used to do that as middle schoolers.

Zach seemed to deflate at our moment, so I hugged him again.

Ryder pouted,"No hugs for meeeee?????", he said sadly.

"Ugh", I groaned.

I went over and hugged him, my hands touched his skin near his neck.

"OUCH", Ryder said.

"What?!", I said- detaching myself from him.

"Your hands are cold- maybe I should hold them to warm them up", he said with a flirty wink.

Zach surprisingly started laughing.

I mentally groaned- what am I going to do with these boys?

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