The Bae

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"Are you going to The Bae after school?", asked Taylor and I to Jake. He looked at us and shook his head- silently asking us- what the hell is The Bae?

Aiden must have sensed his confusion and added in his own two cents,"The Bae is a new place to eat and hangout only for people who go to our high school."

I looked at him with a blank stare, and he stared back. I glared with all the venom I could muster until he grew uncomfortable and looked at Taylor, and she bitch glared at him.

Jake, being the amazing person he is, came to Aiden's rescue, "Hey Aiden, dude, do you play football?"

Aiden sneered,"Play it? I'm the second best quarterback in the region."

Oh no, I thought

Jake smirked,"Sweetheart, who do you think is the first?"

Aiden froze, and looked away trying to brush off the fact that he just got SCHOOLED......

Jake said,"So Bae, and other Bae, are we going to The Bae?

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