A couple years later

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Aiden and I were going steady. We still loved each other the way we did in high school- we ended up going to a MMA school here at home for college.

We bought a gym together and started to teach younger kids how to fight.

Today, we're going out to watch a play- I am currently fighting my way through my closet to find something to wear.

I chose a new emerald green dress I bought a couple days ago. It was a plain shift that hugged my hips and brought out my gold eyes and black hair.

I put on some foundation but focused on my eyes- smoky eyes thank you for being created. I also pulled my hair into a sleek, but elegant high ponytail.

I left to meet up with Aiden at some fancy theater.

I parked my car and walked to the large wooden door that I entered. It seemed a little dark, but I shrugged it off and opened the door.

The lights were off and I immediately went into defense mode. Ryder may have died all those years ago, but I was still on high alert. I walked to the stage to look for the light switch.

Suddenly a spot of light appeared in front of me. There was a chair with vines of flowers curled around the arms and legs. Flowers scattered around the floor too. Out from the shadows Aiden revealed himself.

Even after such a long time, every time I see him, my breath gets caught in my throat. He was wearing a black suit and he looked good.

"Take a seat?" He questioned softly.

I complied and sat down wondering what all this was.

He stood in front of me- watching me for a moment.

The projector turned on with a whir and pictures started to appear on the screen behind us.

They were of us- all the way back to when my mom and his mom would grab their babies and take pictures of us together. I smiled at a baby Aiden and Midnight.

"Isabella, I love you. I've loved you ever since I laid my little toddler eyes on you. I made mistakes- very terrible mistakes, but you forgave me. We've been through a lot and I don't want to stop now."

He got down on one knee and grabbed my left hand.

I started to tear up, I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Baby, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to love you and cherish you and make you feel satisfied."

"Isabella Alexis Gray, would you do me the extraordinary honor, of marrying me?"

He smoothly reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out a velvet box. He opened it with two fingers and gently set it in my hand. It was a beautiful ring with an elegant design with dark blue stones and yellow-gold stones.

I looked at him with tears streaming down my face.

"Forever?" he asked.

With that one word, I crumbled.

"Forever" I said back, before gently taking his head and kissing him.

He pulled away with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

He slipped the ring onto my ring finger and smiled even brighter.

I heard clapping from the balcony of the theater and found friends and family all gathered there, congratulating us and some were crying.

I looked back and Aiden and kissed him again, ignoring the cat calls and whoops from some of our immature friends.

Authors Note:

Hey y'all. This story is starting to wrap up. Only about one more chapter! I can't believe the amount of people that have read this book right now! I love you guys so much! Thank you for being you!

-JaceHerondale17; aka Midnight

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