Nightmares and Hottie #1

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I was on a street.

I looked around me to find myself at the front of Aiden's house.

I felt something swishing at my ankles so I glanced down an saw a beautiful grey blue dress. It was lace sleeves and neck that was slightly lifted. The rest flowed down my body- somehow still molding to me in all the right places.

The front door opened to reveal both Aiden and Ryder.

They both came towards me.
Ryder was wearing a dark gray suit and was wearing a white masquerade mask.
Aiden was dressed similarly except he wore a jet black suit, with a matching jet black mask.
They both stopped right in front of me.
"Choose", they said in a monotone, cold voice.
"What?", I said stupidly and confused.
"Choose", they repeated in a colder tone. "Or else."
"What do you mean or else", I said scared.
A car came out of nowhere and was going to hit them. I tried screaming to get them to move- but it was as if my vocal cords had disappeared. Everything I tried to say came out as puffs of silent air.

I was shaken awake.

"You okay baby girl?", Aiden worriedly asked.
I replied,"Yeah, I'm fine."
"No you aren't. I heard you screaming my name. So I came up here to see what was wrong."

Screaming his name? Maybe I shouted his name when the car was about to hit Ryder and him in my nightmare.

For some reason I felt guilty that I had said Aiden's name and not Ryder's.

"I guess I'll go then?", Aiden said.
As he was about to exit my room I said,"No, wait."
He turned to face me with an eyebrow raised.
"Please stay with me", I said.

He slowly walked to my bed and laid down.
I fell asleep against him. Feeling protected and safe.

I thought about my nightmare.

I could have sworn that I saw Jake driving that car.......

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