The Wedding

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I paced along the floor of my bed, warily dropping myself onto the fluffy comforter, making sure my dress didn't crumple.

My mother, Taylor, and me all spent the last few weeks leading up to this moment.

The wedding.

The one event of my life that hit home for me.

It wasn't my own father that was walking me down the isle, but Aiden's uncle. Aiden's dad had died when he was a kid.

Mr. Black, or Dylan, was almost like another father for me.

He was touched when I had asked him to walk me down the isle.

The wedding was to take place outside, as a winter transitioning to spring wedding. The temperatures were cooler, but the greenery was blooming and alive.

I hoisted myself off the bed and stood in front of my floor length mirror, observing myself.

My face was a little flushed, but my eyes glinted with an unexplainable glee.

My hair was in an elegant bun, wisps escaping and framing my face.

My make up was surprisingly less dramatic than most times. Just some quick foundation to cover, and a little bit of dark eye shadow to smoke my gold out. My lips were painted a soft pink.

My dress brought tears to my eyes, and was possibly the most beautiful dress I have ever worn.

It had a gorgeous neckline that started at my shoulders and met at the middle of my collarbones in a v.

The sleeves were made of lace and were fitted until my elbow where they flared out the slightest bit.

The floor length of the dress and hair combined with the makeup gave me a modern victorian look.

I heard a knocking on the door and I turned around and said "come in".

Mr. Black came into the room. He was practically an older Aiden. He was in his late 40s as of now, and his eyes were similar if not the exact same as Aiden's. he had slight wrinkles but definitely did not look his age. The only difference between them is Mr. Black's hair, which ironically was blonde. Aiden got his hair from his mom.

Mr. Black smiled proudly at me, stuck out his arm and said,"You ready Izzy?" Using my childhood nickname made me laugh. My giggling died down to a chuckle and I looped my arm around Mr. Black's.

"I'm not even close to ready Mr. Black", I replied.

"Call me Dylan honey, you're going to be my daughter-in-law soon", he said smiling.

"Sure thing Dad", I said back. Dylan's head swiveled towards mine, his eyes shining. Dylan had been there for both me and my mom when he moved to our town to support Aiden's mom when her husband died.

I didn't say it, but both Zach and I had suspected that there was something brewing between my Mom and Aiden's uncle.

I didn't have anything against it so....why not?

He put his arms around me for a moment, and pulled back, kissing my forehead, and then gently looping together our arms again, we made our way downstairs, out the door, and walked to the large meadow in the forest, The Place.

Zach would've been ecstatic that I was getting married, and would've been threatening Aiden by now.

Thinking of him as we made our way The Place, I smiled.

We stopped a couple feet away from the isle to wait until Pachelbel started playing.

I took a couple of deep breaths and stood for a moment.

The piano started playing Canon in D, and my heart started racing.

"Let's go honey", Dylan said in a tone that reassured me.

We made our way along the isle, passing Aiden and I's friends. My mom was tearing up in the front line. Taylor, my maid of honor, winked at me from her place.

My eyes reached Aiden's finally, as Dylan handed me off to his nephew.

His blue eyes stood out in the sunset background, connecting with mine instantly.

He was smiling softly down at me as we said our vows.

"I do", he said.

"I do", I managed to choke out.

"You may now kiss the-"

Aiden had swooped me up and into his arms before the pastor had even finished his statement.

People gasped and covered their children's eyes as Aiden's lips clashed against mine in happiness.

And just to think, my forever would start right now, and with none other than......

My Bad Boy.

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