Wise Words

751 13 2

I turned around from the river I so badly wanted to keep staring at.

I was mad- no- I was fuming.

Who does he think he is? Following me when I obviously wanted to be alone!

He still loves you, my inner self said.

No he doesn't..............does he?

During my internal battle- Aiden was just staring at me with an amused expression and a glint in his eye.

"What are you doing?", he said while trying not to laugh.

It didn't work- he burst out laughing like a hyena.

I don't know what came over me- but I started to laugh along with him.

What is wrong with me?

Here I was- laughing along with my cheating ex as if we were best friends.

But then I remembered something.

(Midnight is about 8)

"You may get mad or upset at people honey", my Dad said whilst stroking my hair.
"But you'd always forgive them", he said softly.

"Why Daddy?", I whispered.

"Because no matter what, my little girl isn't capable of anything else", he said quietly while kissing my forehead goodnight.

I came back to the present looking at a giggling Aiden lying on the ground.

I laid down next to him.

I could sense his surprise.

"I forgive you", I said as quiet as I possibly could.

"What?", he said as if he heard wrong.

"I forgive you for what you did. I want to move on", I whispered to him.

"Really? Th-That's great!", he stammered while grinning like an idiot.

"Friends?", I questioned while sticking my hand out.

"Friends", he agreed while shaking my hand.

I couldn't help but stare at how his smile made his eyes so much more blue. And his handsome face brighter. Was his hair always that good looking?

Or maybe more than friends...........

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