Oh No.............

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A sliver of space divided our lips as they descended toward each other-

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!", a deep voice boomed across the open meadow.

Ryder and I looked at each other and hastily untangled our limbs.

Aiden and Jake revealed themselves from the darkness.

Jake was infuriated as he stomped his way toward us.

Aiden was following behind as if he were lost with a blank face.

I thought about how I had to face the wrath of Jake Mason's rage.

I braced myself.

Jake stalked angrily in my direction- and walked right past me. He went towards Ryder. They got into a heated argument, and I couldn't stop myself from going over there.

"She said it was okay!", Ryder said exasperatedly to Jake.
"That doesn't make it okay, we were looking everywhere for her!", Jake screamed.
"Thank god we tracked you, or who knows what would have happened", Jake said to me.
"Well don't worry I-"

Did he just say "tracked"?

I saw red.

"YOU TRACKED ME?", I screeched at Jake.

All I felt was a searing rage flowing through my body.

"YOU INVADED MY PRIVACY!", I yelled at him.

"We were worried", Jake said angry, but also a little scared- probably because of the fact that my golden eyes turn black when I'm mad.

"THERE ARE THINGS CALLED PHONES!!", I screamed even more angry that he used an excuse for his stupidness.

I felt warm hands on my shoulders and immediately I felt drained of the anger I felt only moments ago.

I looked at my shoulders. Ryder had his hand on my right shoulder, and Aiden had his hand on my left.

All I could think of was how I had the angel and devil on my shoulders- literally.

But who was the devil and who was the angel?...........

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