My Story

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As I was walking alongside the sidewalk on my way to the park, I was having flashes back to when Aiden and I were a thing.

Aiden and I sitting on a park bench during the winter, the snow falling around us. Me on his lap, enjoying the moment of peace and serenity.

Me pulling pranks on Aiden. Him getting mad, and pouting at me. Me kissing him to make him happy.......which always worked.

Aiden carrying my books for me, while I protested.

"I love you", I said to him. There was a pause. I pulled back and looked at him. His eyes were shining with happiness and something that looked suspiciously like regret. "I love you more", he said back.

And probably the worst one........

I was getting ready for something Aiden wouldn't tell me about. A surprise date, I was thinking. I was wearing a cream and black lace dress with gold stiletto heels. I grabbed a purse and put my phone and some money in it along with some emergency make-up.

I walked to Aiden's front door when I heard; "You should just dump her already..........and start officially dating me", said a annoyingly high pitched voice- Elizabeth, the head cheerleader, but what was she doing at Aiden's house?

I kept listening...

"Baby, I know, but I want to see her heart break when she realizes that this was all a joke.", said a voice I knew all too well...........................................Aiden.

I could hear them making out through the door.

I burst through the door with my tawny eyes alight with rage and betrayal. "HOW COULD YOU?", I screamed. "I DON'T CARE IF I LOVED YOU, I TRUSTED YOU, AND YOU BETRAYED ME!"

The worst part was.........he stood there........taking it all with a blank face as if nothing was hapening at all. Elizabeth, or Elizabitch as I like to call her, left a long time ago.

I ran out of anger to fuel my words, and I was left drained of energy. I said weakly,"I dont want to see you've already done enough damage to my life", and then I walked out. I drove home, and that was when it hit me.

We were over. He cheated on me. He made this entire relationship a lie.

I was sad. No- I was more than sad, I was broken.

I didn't realize I was so lost in my thoughts until I arrived at the park. There was a icy blue lake. I sat on the dock......wondering what I did wrong.

But then Jake called saying he was worried about me and told me to come home. I complied, and told him that I was at the park and I was comng home in a couple of minutes. He said okay, and hung up.

I felt a presence behind me, but when I turned around, there was nobody there.............


Cliffie!!! I feel bad for leaving it off here, but I always wanted to do that. Hope you enjoy!


Mrs. Herondale

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