Meeting Asher

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I have the greatest friends, huh?

I opened my eyes groggily to find Taylor looking excited.

"What the hell? Let a sleeping dog lie, much?", I replied to her peachiness.

I smelt the amazing smell of chocolate which meant one thing.


I rushed down the stairs like a kid on Christmas morning.

"WHERES DA PANCAKES!", I screeched.

"HERES DA PANCAKES!", Ryder replied.

Ryder makes the most delicious pancakes- EVER.

Filled with chocolate chips, drizzled with herseys syrup, and whipped cream? YES!!!!

I scarfed down breakfast like my life depended on it.

Everybody was groaning and patting their bellies by the end of breakfast while Ryder had a proud smile on his face.

Taylor stood up and said,"Midnight, go get ready, you're meeting him".

I knew she meant her boyfriend and smirked. I went to go change into the most intimidating clothes I have.

I put on ripped black skinny jeans, and a purple and black lace top. I added my black worn riding jacket and 6 inch stilettos.

I had bold red lips and smoky eyes.

Damn did I look FINE!

And a little scary.

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen for some water- Ryder's eyes following me the entire way.

I filled up a cup of water and drank it.

I sat down on the living room sofa next to him and waited for Taylor.

She came bounding down the stairs wearing skinny jeans and a big bang theory tee.

She wasn't that big on clothes really.

The doorbell rang and I went up to go answer the door.

My heels clicked menacingly against the floor.

I opened the door to find-

A legit twin of Logan Lerman?

He smiled charmingly,"Ello! The names Asher darls!", he said in a very british way.

"Midnight, nice to meet you", I said cooly while stepping aside so that he could get in.

He wore a white button down with a suit jacket and dark blue jeans. He also wore black high tops. I scowled- ready to test him.

He looked at me and what I was wearing and a muscle in his jaw twitched- showing he was a little freaked out, but he held strong.

I respected that.

I stopped scowling and led him to the living room.

"ASHER!", I heard Taylor exclaim.

Asher practically ran to her and spun her around in his arms.

They were cliche, but looked like they liked each other- A LOT.

Taylor looked at me as if to say "what do you think".

"I officially approve of this relationship and expect to be the godmother of your children!", I said loudly in a regal tone.

Everyone laughed.

We all were just chilling when Ryder got a call and he said he had to leave.

Zach wanted to stay, but had to take care of some work for school.

Asher, Taylor, and I sat in a circle not knowing what to do when I randomly blurted,"And then there were three!"

Needless to say, it was an interesting evening.

Asher and Taylor left together, talking about some date.

I was lying in my bed when my phone went off.

It was Aiden.


"Hey, are you busy right now?"

"Not really, why?"

"I have a surprise for you. Meet me at our lake, please."

"Okay, I'll be there in ten."

I looked at the clock, it was almost midnight.

He called it "our lake". Does he remember too? All the good times we've had?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

I was still wearing what I wore earlier today and decided to just freshen up my make up by taking it all off and keeping it natural.

I looked a little less scary and deemed myself ready.

Time to go see what the big surprise is.

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