Do I have to choose?

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I woke up and realized it was Saturday- much to my surprise. Time flew by like the blinking of eyes.

I sat up in my bed and stretched.

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I was walking down the stairs when I slipped on the bottom step and twisted around. I was about to fall when I felt warm hands grasp my hips- they were bare because if the crop top and shorts pj set I was wearing.

"Woah there", I heard Ryder say.

I fell back against his bare chest- where the heck was his shirt?- and gasped.

"You okay?", he asked me.

"Never better. Healthy as a horse actually. Woah I just quoted Twilight. Do you watch Twilight? Of course you do, we watched it together-"

"You're rambling", he said, cutting me off mid-ramble.

"Oops", I muttered blushing lightly.

"Awwww you're so adorable", Ryder cooed- pinching my cheeks.

"Get your hands off of my little sister, Whitlock", I heard Zach growl lowly.

"Okay okay", Ryder said while putting his hands up in a white flag position.

"Go shower and change", Zach said to me,-"I'll have breakfast ready by then."

I complied and left to shower and get dressed.

I got out of the shower to see a sweatshirt and sweatpants- with a note saying "You better wear this", in Zach's handwriting.

I smiled at his protectiveness and wore the clothes with a messy bun.

I went downstairs to see a shirtless Ryder and Zach sitting on the couch with steaming plates full of pancakes.

"Mom left to LA, won't be back for a long time", Zach said.

"Okay", I replied and went to go get a plate for breakfast.

I came back to the couch and had to choose between sitting either next to Zach or Ryder..........

Do I have to choose?......................

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