The Nurses Office

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The next couple periods went by pretty uneventful, Taylor decided to ditch the rest of the day, so it was just Jake and I.

Up until Lunch, it was just Jake and I messing around.

We got to the Cafeteria when Taylor texted us, saying "INITIATE PLAN DOUCHEBAG"

Jake and I giggled like girls until we got a couple feet away from our seats- which is a table after Aidens, not to brag, but Taylor, Jake, and I were pretty popular, which is why we sit so close to the caked faces of cheerleaders and sweaty bodies of jocks. We looked at each other, and smirked.

"OH JAKEY YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!", I said waaaaay too loud.

"YOU'RE CUTER", said Jake in the same tone as me.

We walked past Aiden's table to our seats and sat down. A couple seconds after Jake and I flirting and holding hands while trying not to laugh, we saw Aiden get up and walk toward us. He walked straight up to Jake- all up in his face, and said,"Take your hands off her."

To which Jake replied,"No- you're not the boss of me."

Aiden did the most unexpected thing, he cocked his arm back and punched Jake right in the face. Jake fell out of his chair.

"WHAT THE HELL, MAN?!", Jake yelled.


Jake's jaw was turning purlple, so I ran in and looked at it looks really bad, we need to go get it checked out by the nurse.

I helped Jake up and told him to wait for me at the cafeteria doors, he looked like he was going to protest, but then he looked at my eyes, and obeyed me.

I was filled with so much rage that I could feel the anger pouring off me in waves. I turned to face Aiden and he looked determined, but I could see a little bit of fear for his life.

I stalked up to him and even though I was shorter than him, he cringed away from me.

"I am not your girl. I never was your girl. And I never will be.", and with that said, I walked away, towards the doors, where Jake was.

I escorted him to the Nurse's Office, where she said it was just a really bad bruise, but close to being a fractured jaw. She said that he should just get some rest.

He was tired, so I let him crash at my house, since I lived the closest to the school.

He fell asleep on my bed, and I didn't know what to do, so I left him a note, took my phone, and went for a walk to clear my head.


This was a long one guys :)

Hope you like it!


Mrs. Herondale

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