Sirius tugs at my T-shirt. "Why do you always wear a shirt to bed? It makes this so much harder," He whines. I sit up and Tug my shirt up and over my head, tossing it over the side of the bed. 

"Because someone," I poke Sirius. "Always steals the blanket."

Sirius giggles. "Maybe you should just cuddle with me when we sleep," 

"We both know when that happens someone ends up falling off the side of the bed," I bend down to kiss Sirius again as he laughs, wrapping his legs around my waist. I roll my hips forward and smirk when it causes an abrupt moan from Sirius. 

"Fuck, baby," He tangles a hand in my hair as we kiss. 

I pause for a second and tilt my head. "Dammit, someone's here." 

"If it's just James we're not stopping. We've traumatized him already," Sirius says, nuzzling his face into my neck. 

"No, it's Harry. I don't hear James," I get up and crawl off the bed, grabbing my shirt. I pull it down over my head as I walk down the hallway and into the living room, where a miniature James Potter is sitting on the couch. 

"Hey, Prongslet. Where are your parents?" I ask, sitting on the arm of the couch beside Harry. He shrugs. 

"They's slow, so I came wifout dem." Harry says. 

"Do they know you're here?" I ask, and Harry nods. 

"Mumma just said dat I had to be quiet 'n case chu guys was sleepin'," He says, kicking his feet contently. 

"Well, we're awake. Would you like to come cuddle?" I stand up and Harry nods excitedly, making grabby hands. I smile and scoop the three year old up in my arms. He nuzzled into my chest, hugging what seems to be a Teddy bear. 

I walk back into the bedroom, where Sirius is up and brushing his hair. 

"Nope, drop everything. Cuddle time." I flick my wrist and send sirius' hair brush cascading into a laundry basket, which makes Harry laugh and Sirius curse in French. 

"Remus, I swear to Merlin one of these days I'm going to break your nose." He huffs, coming over to take Harry from me. 

"Happy Birthday uncle Pads!!" Harry hugs sirius' neck and it instantly melts his annoyance. He hugs Harry tight, and my heart warms at how absolutely ecstatic he looks. It's been hard the last couple of months, being told of Reg's death and nearly losing James and Lily a few days ago. 

"Thank you, kiddo!" He kisses the top of Harry's head and sits on the bed, holding the boy in his lap. "Now, what's got you over here so early?" 

"I was jus' too ecxited to stay home! Daddy is too slow and Mumma is still wrapping chu're present and I'm already done! I told them to hurry up, but Mumma said I could come over all by myself if I's stayed quiet," Harry says, cuddling into Sirius' chest and bouncing excitedly. 

Sirius glances at me when Harry says 'present'. We had agreed that we weren't doing presents this year. I just shrug. You know, like a liar. 

Sirius lays down and Harry pulls me down beside them. I tuck an arm around both of them. Sirius just smiles ate and Harry snuggles close to both of us. 

~About twenty minutes later, Sirius' POV~

I set Harry on the counter in the kitchen. "Have you eaten, prongslet?" I ask. Harry shakes his head, and I flick my hand to get three bowls of cereal to make themselves. 

"oW, SON OF A BITCH-" I glance into the living room to watch my best friend pick himself up off of the ground. 

"Harry, your dad is a dunce," Remus says as he walks into the kitchen, fully dressed and by the looks of his hair just out of the shower. 

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