"Ignore her. You don't need to do anything you don't want to do." Carter assured me, as he threw a fry at Toni.

"Of course she doesn't HAVE to, but if you don't, he'll probably sleep with other girls." She shrugged and just pulled my whole plate towards her, so she could comfortably eat my left overs.

Oh no.

She's right, he's probably already sleeping with other girls... maybe that's what he did last weekend.

"Shut up Toni, why would you say that too her?"

"I'm just being real with her, this is Asher we're talking about- wait," she paused as she looked past me then back at me. "Celeste, why is Megan Anderson looking at you like that?"

I looked up to see what she was talking about, but couldn't see anyone.


"Well don't make it too obvious,",she scolded, before leaning to me and whispering. "but the dark skinned girl near Ashers table, to the left."

I looked to where she said then saw who she was talking about. She was a girl I recognise from some of my classes, she's pretty. I think she might of been in my last one.

"I know her- well I don't, but she's really pretty, and she's in some of my classes." I told her, then lowered my gaze from her harsh glare. "Don't know why she's looking at me like that though..."

"Yeah she's really pretty, but she's really fucking mean too." She huffed as she glanced back over to her.

"Shit." Carter muttered, closing his eyes.


Am I missing something here?

"She was in our last lesson, right, and you got paired with her boyfriend. She gets jealous over everything and is really petty, but her boyfriend is always cheating on her so I guess she has a reason." He explained as he opened his eyes and ran his hand through his hair.

I still didn't understand what the problem was. Her boyfriend, Jamie, was really nice, and I don't think he was trying to have sex with me.

"So what has that got to do with me?"

Toni rolled her eyes and sighed.
"You are very slow sometimes... she thinks you're her boyfriends next toy."

I pouted at Tonis insult, then thought over what she said. So this Megan girl, doesn't like me because I got paired up with her boyfriend? It's not even my fault!

"She's not gonna... do anything to me, right?"

I don't think I could handle another situation like last time... ugh, why can't people just like me?

"Like Carter said, she's a petty bitch. She she likes to do old school shit, like put stuff in your locker, spread rumours, steal clothes after gym class, sleeping with people's boyfriends," Toni began to list like it was nothing.

Was she gonna have sex with Asher, to get back at me? She's so pretty, I'm nothing compared to her... Asher probably wouldn't mind.

"and I heard she can beat a bitches ass, but I know I could take that hoe, I won't let her touch you." She added with a determined look.

I'd rather her hurt me instead of having sex with Asher...

"Don't scare her, Toni!" Carter scolded then looked back at me. "It's gonna be fine, sweetheart. Do you want us to walk you over to Asher? I'm gonna go and smoke."

I nodded my head, then we all stood up and walked over to him... and closer to Megan.

I just couldn't understand how she didn't like me, If she didn't even bother to know me. If she did, she would know I already have a boyfriend and I love him a lot. No one could compare to Asher...

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