Chapter 22

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Celeste's POV "Asher's in hospital, he had an overdose

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Celeste's POV
"Asher's in hospital, he had an overdose."

They all looked at me waiting for how I would react, but the truth is, I didn't know how.

Was this my fault?

I felt so many things at once. Fear, guilt, sadness, confusion.

"Is he- is he okay?" I asked between breaths, as tears started to gather in my eyes.

"It's okay, he's fine. He's sedated right now, but he'll be able to leave soon." He reassured.
"I just thought it would be better to tell you in pers-"

"Can you take me to see him?... please." I asked.

He looked at Ambrose and my dad then back at me.

"Celeste, I don't think that's a good idea." My dad protested as he came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You don't wanna see him like that, trust me."

"He's my boyfriend. I have to be there when he wakes up." I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him. "Please dad."

He sighed then kissed my forehead.
"You're right... go on."

I quickly stood up then made my way upstairs to get my things.

"I'll come with you." Ambrose said as he stood up too and I stopped.

Is he serious?

"No, you don't even like him... and he doesn't like you either." I muttered then continued walking.


I sat in the passenger side of Mateos car as he started the drive to the hospital.

"What happened Mateo?" I finally asked after minutes of silence and he sighed.

"I don't even really know... I thought he went back to you yesterday. All I know is that some woman found him in the street, choking on his own vomit, so she called an ambulance."

Oh my God.

This is all my fault... I should've just let him do what he wanted, then he wouldn't have left and did what he did.

He could've died because of me.

"This is all my fault, Mateo." I sobbed as I held my face in my hands.

"Hey, it's okay. What do you mean it's your fault?" Mateo questioned softly.

I don't think I should tell anyone about this... but I need to get it off my chest.

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