Chapter 43

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^^ this picture is so cute 🥺 when I saw it, it made me think of Celeste and Asher.

^^ this picture is so cute 🥺 when I saw it, it made me think of Celeste and Asher

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1 month later...

Celeste's POV:
"Asherrrrr, please carry me..." I whined as I stopped walking, holding my knees as I panted for air, then lifted my sunglasses up to look at him. "My legs are aching."

He stopped and turned around, then smirked as he looked at me.

"Come on baby, we're nearly there, I can feel it."

He was barely breaking a sweat!

We had been in Jamaica for a few weeks now and it has been amazing! We've done so many things, and I we get to spend all our time together. We've also been having a lot of sex! It's been paradise.

Now we were walking through the rainforest, looking for some 'secret waterfall' that someone at a bar told us about.

We don't even need to do this, there's waterfalls all over the place here!

"Asher, puh- leaseee" I dragged out as I sat on the floor against a tree. "I thought we were gonna see the crocodiles again... and you don't even know if there is a secret waterfall."

Asher chuckled as he turned and looked around, probably wondering what direction to go whilst I admired him from my position.

He looked so hot... wearing nothing but his black shorts and a small towel draped around his neck, his silver chain resting against his big tanned chest... I could just fuck him now.

"If all you wanted to see was crocodiles, I could've just taken you to Florid- wait..."
He stopped and turned back around to me. "Do you hear that?"

I paused as I stopped moving and looked around trying to hear whatever it was he was hearing.

The only thing I could hear is the leaves slightly swaying, and random bugs and birds.

"I can't hear anything... and Lilly told me that Florida's full of weirdos..."

He ignored me as he started to walk off, leaving me sat on the floor.

Ughhh! Now I have to follow him...

I huffed as I stood up and dusted my ass off, before running after him.

"Asher, you can't just-" I paused when I reached a clearing and saw Asher stood in front of a small lake with water falling down into it from some tall rocks.

Woah... everything is so beautiful here.

I walked over to him as I looked at everything in awe.

He turned to look at me with a smug grin and a raised brow, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay... I was wrong." I mumbled as I walked closer to the lake and looked in the crystal blue water, looking at my reflection. "This place is amazing..."

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