Chapter 9

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Celeste's POVIt was Saturday afternoon (the day of the party), and I was upstairs in my room looking through my closet for an outfit to wear later on

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Celeste's POV
It was Saturday afternoon (the day of the party), and I was upstairs in my room looking through my closet for an outfit to wear later on.

"I don't know what to wear, Toni." I complained into my phone.

"Just pack a few dresses." She suggested

"I don't really wear a lot of dresses."

"But you have some right?"


"Okay, so just pack them and I'll choose once you get to mine. I've got to go so me and Carter will pick you up at 7."

"See you later then."

She hung up the phone leaving me to feel very anxious.

This is my first party, and I don't know what to wear. I know in movies the girls normally wear something that shows their body a lot, but I didn't want to show mine.

I had always been thicker than other girls my age, part of the reason they use to pick on me.
I started puberty before any of the other girls in my class, and when my boobs grew, I was definitely given way too much.

I know there wasn't much I could do about my boobs, but I tried exercise to at least slim down my legs and ass, but that didn't work. If anything they got bigger.

No wonder Ash doesn't like me.

Ugh once again I've let my thoughts ruin my mood.

I heard loud voices downstairs and rolled my eyes.
Ambrose's friends are here, which means Asher was here too.

I've decided I was gonna avoid him. To make his life easier and mainly to save myself the embarrassment of rejection.
I haven't spoken to him since yesterday and I intend to keep it that way.

I then heard splashing and realised they were outside in the pool.
So he's kicking me out of the house so he can have a pool party?
What a jerk!

I looked out my window to see the usual gang and few other people that I didn't know. Including other girls.

Really pretty girls.

I scanned around for Asher to see he was laying on a sun lounger with his sunglasses on and shirt off.

I blushed at the sight. He had a really nice body.
So tone-

A frown made its way onto my face when a tall, blonde girl in a bikini made her way over to him and started to talk.

She looked amazing in that bikini.

I turned away from the window and flopped onto my bed.

I could feel my eyes start to sting with the need to cry.
Why did I have to be so freaking sensitive?

"He doesn't deserve your tears."
Toni's words rung through my head.

He doesn't deserve my tears.
My dad was right, it's just a silly crush and I'd get over him.

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