Chapter 5

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^^celeste's bedroom

Celeste's POVI sat in the passengers side of my brothers car as he drove us home

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Celeste's POV
I sat in the passengers side of my brothers car as he drove us home.

The whole day went a lot better than I thought it would.
But I couldn't get Asher out of my head.

The way he stared at me with that dark look, as if he could see straight into my soul, made a chill run down my spine.

Almost like a warning to stay away, but I couldn't help but feel drawn in.

"Are you okay?" Ambrose asked as he glanced over at me, probably questioning why I looked so deep in thought.

"Yeah." I said with a smile as I looked over to him. "Today was great."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, little demon. No one gave you any trouble right?"

"Nope. Everyone was nice to me!"

"Did you make any other friends?" He further questioned.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked out the window, my mind immediately returning to thoughts about Asher.

"I liked your friends. Especially...especially Asher." I mumbled as I kept my head towards the window.

"Asher, hmm?" He echoed with a smirk.
"Do you have a crush on him?"

What? How could he even tell!?

I gasped as my face felt even hotter.
"I-what-no! Of- of course not." I objected quickly as I stumbled over my words.

Oh yeah, I was an awful liar.

"Sure." He replied sarcastically with a chuckle, then frowned.

"Celeste, it's okay to crush on him. Just know that he's not the type of guy you want or deserve." He informed me with a serious tone.

I felt my heart drop at his words. How would he know what I wanted? Did he think he was too good for me? Or maybe he knew already that he'd never want a girl like me, and was trying to save me the embarrassment.

I couldn't help but feel my eyes start to glaze with tears as I struggled to keep them.

"Oh no, don't cry princess." Ambrose cooed then he took my hand in his and stroked it reassuringly.

"Guys like him only want one thing from girls, and that's not something you've got to give." He said with a harsher tone.

What thing? I could get it for him.

"Like what?" I mumbled shakily.

Ambrose sighed then pulled his hand away and ran it through his hair.

"Its complicated."

"If it's so complicated, then why- why do other girls have it and not- and not me." I sobbed then threw my face into my hands.

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