Chapter 30: Dangerous Secrets, Deadly Consequences

Start from the beginning

A wad of pink goop zooms past them as all four teens duck to the ground. Bebop shimmers into view, one hand aimed out at them.

"Hee hee! Gotcha, son," he says. "I sniffed you a mile away!" His hands fall to his hips as he starts swinging them. "Whoo-hoo!"

More globs fly from his belt. Destiny takes to the air while Leonardo, Karai, and Shinigami duck and dodge. Shinigami front flips forward, snatching a glue blob out of the air and whipping it back at Bebop. Before he can oink, he finds himself plastered to the far door.

"Aw, snap!" He grunts and struggles. "You goo-ed me with my own goo! That's sick, bro!"

The door he's glued to opens, sending him ramming against the railing, again and again as Foot bot after Foot bot rushes out to meet them. Without a word, Destiny swoops down to the lower levels, quickly followed by the others. Tiger Claw stands before them, teeth bared.

"I was hoping you'd show up here, girl," he says.

"Let's make with the crushing already!" Rocksteady bellows, ramming his gold-studded knuckles together.

Karai smirks, putting her fingers to her lips and whistling. Immediately, the newest Foot recruits appear, scattered across different levels.

"So the cub's recruited Foot soldiers of her own," Tiger Claw says. "Let's see if they are worthy of the name!"

He roars, ushering Foot bots to appear all around him, and Karai eyes the new company with amusement. She crouches, readying her tanto. Destiny flexes her fingers, already feeling her wolf coming forward, and Leonardo and Shinigami unsheathe their weapons.

Karai smirks. "I didn't want it to be too easy."


"Well, good news is that they're together," Donatello says as Raphael drives the Party Wagon down the quiet streets. "Bad news, they're at Auman Chemicals."

"Huh? Why'd they be there?" Michelangelo asks, his face appearing through the back window.

"Think," Donatello says. "They're probably trying to take down Shredder's assets."

"What, and they didn't tell us?" Raphael asks. He grits his teeth. "Stupid, what if Tiger Claw got a hold of them?"

"I could see you doing something like this, Raph," Michelangelo says. "Maybe Destiny, but Leo? Never. Sort of, I mean, he's had his moments—"

Raphael's jaw clenches harder as he shifts gear and presses on the gas, drowning out Michelangelo's voice. "Stupid," he repeats under his breath.


The battle feels a little one-sided, but that's okay. Between fighting the Foot henchmen, their only goal is to plant the explosives and get the hell out of Dodge. Leonardo takes on Tiger Claw while Shinigami effectively distracts Rocksteady and Bebop.

"Come and get me, dinosaur!" she cackles.

"Dinosaur?! I am rhinoceros!"

Destiny and Karai have the fun of planting the bombs and fending off bots with the rest of Karai's ninjas. Destiny soars to the hard-to-reach places while Karai takes the perimeter. They plant bombs inside pipes, underneath bridges, in vats, and all over the walls.

"We've gotta get out of here!" Leonardo shouts as even more Foot bots pour in.

In silent agreement, Destiny, Karai, and Shinigami head for the nearest door. Destiny shifts into her wolf briefly, roaring as she clears a path through the main door and out into the night. Behind them, Tiger Claw shouts for retreat.

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