CVIII. The Wedding - Raphael

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"Taylor's getting married! Taylor's getting married!" Annalise sings as she hops up and down.

"I have to admit, Taylor, I'm surprised that your dress is actually white...and normal," Destiny admits as she combs Taylor's hair out and prepares it for styling.

"I suppose she has an inner girly-girl side of her," Sarina points out with a chuckle.

Taylor smiles, her heart light. She feels the material from where it hangs over a chair, but her heart becomes almost heavy as she looks at the dress. She looks to the other four girls, who are all fixing each other's red bridesmaid dresses. April looks ecstatic, flipping through a book of hairstyles while Destiny fixes the redhead's hair.

"I've got to go somewhere, girls. I'll be back in time. Okay?" Taylor asks.

"No problem! We've got this!" Annalise says.

"Don't be too long!" April adds. She gasps and holds up a picture or to Destiny and Sarina. "How's this?"

"Love it!" Sarina admits.

Taylor laughs lightly at their perkiness and runs from the prep room. The guests won't arrive for a little while longer. She knows that she has time.

She keeps going down the road until she reaches the familiar house. It looks pretty much the same, right down to the cream curtains hanging in her old bedroom window.

She takes a deep breath, moving to the door and knocking.

Maybe he won't be home. Maybe... She takes a few deep breaths.

The door swings open, revealing her father. His eyes widen when he sees her.

"'re alive," he says, his face shocked.

"Hey dad," she whispers.

"What...what are you doing here? Are you alright?" He steps outside. "I heard you went off to college. How was that?"

"It was good. But...that's not why I'm here." She looks down nervously, twisting her ring around her finger.

"Did that creature hurt you?" he asks worriedly.

"Raphael did nothing to me. In fact...I wanted to invite you to my wedding." She braces herself. "Our wedding."

He blinks a few times before the meaning finally sinks in. "You''re marrying that monster? I thought you were smarter than that!"

"Dad, isn't it enough that I'm happy?" she asks, her face registering hurt. "Don't you care about me?"

"Of course I want you to be happy!" he insists, but his face remains in a mask of disbelief. " can you be happy with a giant turtle?"

"Because I love him."

He turns away, running a hand through his grey hair. Taylor moves closer and places a gentle hand on her father's arm.

"Dad, I just wanted you to come and walk me down the aisle-" she starts.

"No. That's no wedding. I'll attend when you're marrying a normal human," he says coldly, brushing her hand away.

"Then that's it? You're not going to come?"

"Goodbye Taylor."

He walks inside his home again and slams the door. She sniffs, trying not to cry, but it's too much. She fails, letting the tears roll down her cheeks as she hunches over and cries into her hands. She turns away from the house and heads back to the road, half-blind with her tears.

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