9 - Daniel Seavey ( Why Don't We )

Start from the beginning

" He's right, you should really tell her, " Zach chimes in. I look back at her, and then back at them. 

" Of course ease into it, but everyone can tell you like her. And it's obvious that you two are more than just friends, " Jack says. 
" Seriously, you two have more chemistry than some couples who are actually together. We all see the way you look at her, everyone sees the way you look at her, " Jonah chimes in. 

" When she gets settled back in, and when you do as well. Tell her, we're all almost 100 percent sure she feels the same, " Corbyn tells me. I give him a small nod. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

" I'm not even kidding I've had a needle poked into me so many times this week, I don't know if I will ever need bloodwork again, " I say chuckling walking in, and Daniel is sitting on the couch. " Hey, wasn't expecting you until later, how are you? " I ask. 

" I'm good, how are you? " He asks. 

" Good, my doctors have given me some more to help with them. They think I might have diabetes, so we're going to do a few more checks to see. But it could have just been where I just have low blood sugar, which happens with many people, " I comment. I place my things down, and go sit by him placing my hand on his knee. He looks up at me and smiles. 

" I actually came over here for a reason, " he comments. I give him a nod. " Um-umm, I-um, wow this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, " he adds. " I um, I was wondering, if you'd like-like to go get dinner one time this week? " He asks. 

" Yeah of course, with the boys? " I ask. 

" Um, no. I was just thinking you and me, " he says. I smile a little bit, and give him a nod. 

" Yeah, I'd love to. It's a date, " I chuckle. 

" Great, um Thursday night I'll pick you up at 7? " He asks. I give him a nod. 

Thursday night came and went, and those dates started happening more and more. And while we were on tour, he asked me to be his girlfriend officially. But we decided to keep it on the down low for a little bit. 

But then corona happened, and we decided once the boys would come back that's when we would tell the fans that we were dating. Now of course a lot of fans assumed that we were together, and the videos some of the fans come up with were like insane. And them just thinking and believing with all their hearts that we are now more than friends. 

But one thing that might have given it away was a picture. It was a picture that Jeff took, but 2 things stuck out to the fans. A tattoo and a sticky note. Some of the fans zoomed in, and saw that a tattoo was now on the back of Daniel's upper arm. But that truly couldn't read it, and then the sticky note has something written on it. And that was invisible to the eye if you zoomed in. It reading 'Love you until time stops', and the fans not only recognized some of the quote they recognized the hand writing. I always say do what you love until time stops, and they know my hand writing. 

So the fans started to believe something was happening between the two of us, and of course there were some who thought it was nothing. And others had just added that to their evidence pile. And here I am doing an interview with a bunch of fans and I know this is going to be brought up. " For you have you heard any of the music from the album? " One of the fans asked. 

" I haven't heard like full songs, I've heard little bits and pieces of them. But I am so proud of what they've made, " I tell her. 

" I have a question, one how are you doing? And two, what was something that kept you going through this year? " Another fan asks. 

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