119 - Jung Hoseok ( BTS )

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It's wonderful being in a marriage with the man you love, it sucks not being able to tell anyone about it. I've been married to Hobi since 2016, but due to the backlash that could happen we've kept our marriage private. So private, there are millions who don't know him and I are married. 

He's the man I've loved since 2014, and have continued on loving. It kinda sucks having to keep it a secret, but I'd rather have him in secret than not have him at all. 

He has a lot of frustrations due to the whole secret thing as well. Which causes sex to be very intense sometimes, which I'm fine with. I just wish sometimes he wouldn't let his frustrations out during sex. Cause sometimes it can cause me pain. 

" Y/n we want your input, have you had sex where it just hurts all together? " Namjoon asks, I look at him with a confused look. " We were watching a show and the girl was screaming in pain and not out of pleasure, " he adds and I slowly nod towards him. 

" I mean yeah, every girl has at least once. It's called their first time, but also there have been times where it hurts. Because either you're sore, your partners emotions can play affect, " I tell him, in that moment I watched Hobi's head lift up. 

" Emotions? " Jin asks, I nod towards him. 

" Like let's just say, if they're overly angry. That anger can sometimes inflict towards the girl or whoever. Because they're trying to get that anger out. It's the same when they're frustrated. But some people, not saying if I'm included cause I know that would be Jungkook's question, some people are into the pain, " I tell them, they all nod towards me. 

" Does the pain ever get too much? " Jin then asks, I don't look at Hobi, but I know he's looking at me. 

" Yeah, sometimes it does. But usually that's why safe words are a thing, " I comment towards him. He nods towards me. " I need to go finish getting ready... " I leave the room and they all nod towards me. I hear him behind me, I know it's him. There's no way it's not. 

I reached our room, and he closed the door behind me. I grabbed a hold of me, and pulled me into a tight hug. "Hobi... " I begin trying to find the right words. 

" I let my anger get the best of me... " it was nothing higher than a whisper, I raised his head to look at me. 

" I'm alright baby, please don't worry about that. I like it sometimes when you're rougher okay. " I comment, he slowly chuckles towards me, I can tell he's still overthinking. 

" But... what if I go too rough? This whole secret thing has been overwhelming for me. And-and it's so hard hiding that I have the best woman as my wife.. " I smile at him as he said that. "And-and what if when we, when we start trying to have kids. Like-like what's that going to be like for them?! It would be- " I cut him off, needing to get the thing that's been on my chest fro the past three months, that I've been keeping hidden. 

" I'm pregnant. " He completely stopped thinking in that second. Those are the words he's been secretly wanting to hear since 2018. We've always talked about wanting to be parents. And how we wanted to start trying. When Covid happened we started trying, or as Yoongi stated 'doing it with a little bit of risk.' 

" You're-you're pregnant... " he's at a lost of words, which makes complete sense why. " Like genuinely you're pregnant. This isn't a cruel prank right? " He asks me. 

" I'm genuinely pregnant Hoseok, " I tell him, he just stands there in complete shock. We were trying, but not at the same time if that makes sense. " I'm three months along, you've been very stressed recently. So I never really knew what a good time to tell you was. But just hearing you talk about us having kids, I just I knew I needed to mention it. My next appointment isn't until two weeks from now. And by then I should be about four months, " I add. He nods towards towards me and he hasn't stopped smiling. 

" So with you being three months, so their due date is December? " He asks, I give him a nod. 

" They said that their due date is December 1st, " I tell him, he smiles towards me. He pulls me into a hug, and I just start chuckling. 

" I'm gonna be a dad... I'm gonna be dad! " I continue to chuckle and uncontrollably smiling towards him. 

Now we were going to have the conversation of when we were going to actually officially go public. " Will you need to talk to your team? " He asks, as we walk out. 

" No, this is one thing I don't need to talk to my team about. They do not get to decide when I declare to the world, that I am married to probably the best man in the world, " I tell him, which causes him to smile towards me. I'm also tired at this point, of being told we can't tell anyone due to the drama that it could have. Even though it wouldn't be drama it would be 'news.' I've been shipped or whatever you call it since 2014 when I was in the War of Hormone and the Boy in Luv music videos. They all thought in the behind the scenes that Hobi and I were flirting with one another. Which was definitely true, but we kept it all private. 

One of my favorite things to always mention, was I was there throughout all of the changes with the outfits. Not just him and I, but with the whole group we've grown up together and seen the good and the bad with everybody. 

I posted the next month announcing I was pregnant in this very sweet and adorable Instagram post. It was a picture of my stomach showing my growing bump, and then the sonogram. Writing a sweet message towards my fans. 

Of course we told all of the ones close to us first before I posted about being pregnant, and there were only encouraging words and people showing their support. The boys were thrilled when they found out, Hobi was the one who told them. And all of them were just cheering about how they're going to be uncles and it's going to be the best thing ever. 

Which made the two of us laugh. I actually talked to Ashley a lot, they are one of my main supports. Her finding out was the funniest thing ever. 

" Wait... so you two, have been together since 2014?! What?! " I just started laughing and nodding my head, the boys are performing and we're just talking and having a fun time. " And the two of you have been married since 2016? " She asks, I give her another nod. 

" Yeah... we just decided with his raising in fame and so with mine. We wanted to keep our relationship private, and when we got married there was a thought of telling people but we decided against it. Probably when we have a kid we'll tell people, but who knows, " I tell her, she smiles towards me. 

" Are you guys trying? " She asks, I put my head down while smiling. " Oh my God, that's amazing. It's secret? " I nod towards her second question. 

I stopped myself abruptly right in front of the boys, which caused all of them to look at me in concern. " You alright? " Jin asks, I slowly nod. 

" She's kicking, " I chuckle, all of them immediately ran over to place their hands on my stomach, I immediately took a photo of the seven of their hands placed on my stomach. I actually have an interview with Jimmy Fallon today, and the boys are going to be there. But as Kook told me, 'it's gonna be all about you.' 

" You look absolutely stunning may I say. And the picture of the BTS boys' hands on your stomach, that picture was absolutely amazing. Being pregnant what is the main question you get? " He asks. 

" The main three are, when are you due, what's the gender, and who's the father. Which all in my situation make complete sense, " I comment towards him. 

" Yeah, especially that last question. I'm assuming the father is a boyfriend, you are a very private person so if you had a secret boyfriend I don't think anybody would be shocked, " he comments. I look up at the boys and Hobi nods towards me. 

" I'll do you one better, not boyfriend... husband. " I finally said it. " I've been married to my husband for almost six years now, and he's over the moon excited, " I add. 

" Who? Would he be comfortable with you saying who he is? " He asks. 

" YEAH! " All of the boys scream, which causes Jimmy and myself to laugh. 

" It's Hoseok, or what a lot of people know him as which is J-Hope, " I comment, Jimmy stands up walking away in complete shock. 

We continued that conversation, and it sparked a lot of questions. Which we were both ready for it to happen. And that December, December 3rd to be exact. We welcomed our daughter into the world, and she's been the light of our life since then. 

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