81 - Aryia ( YouTube )

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They haven't spoken about that night, never in the years of their friendship they never spoke about that night. No one knew about that night, they never told them about that night. That's the night that started some of their random hookups. She was 18 at the time and he was 21. 

" Aryia what are you doing here? " I ask him confused. 

" I wanted to talk to you, " he tells me, I give him a nod and welcome him into my apartment. 

" Wanted to talk to me about what exactly? " I ask him. 

" Well... I heard from Kevin that you're about to release a song, I wanted to hear it, " he tells me, I give him a nod. I reach out my hand and he takes a hold of it and I lead him into my studio. " So what's this song about? " He asks me. 

" How I like older guys, " I comment towards him chuckling. 

" What? " He asks me, which causes me to chuckle. 

" How I like older guys, " I tell him turning around to look at him. " It's called Guys My Age, my favorite lyric is 'guys my age don't know how to tease me', " I add. Which caused him to look at me on a complete shocked expression. 

" Really? You like how older guys tease you? " He asks, leaning in closer to me. 

" Yeah... I just also like the idea of an older guy, " I mutter towards him. " So do you want to hear some of the song? " I ask, he nods towards me I turn back around and play some of the song for him. 

" Wow it's a good song, it's a different side of you, "  he tells me, which causes me to chuckle towards him. 

" Kinda the point, now since I'm 18. I wanted to show people how my writing truly is, " I comment towards him. " Plus it's a good idea, that a lot of people will relate too, " I add. 

" Have you ever hooked up with an older guy? " He asks me. 

"  Yeah, he was like 19. When I was 17, so... but you know I was kinda dating at guy at the time. I don't know, but I am attracted to older gu- " he leans in and kisses me which I quickly kiss him back. 

That's how it started, that's how him and I started. Our I don't even know what it is, random hookups, fuck buddy, or friends with benefits. I truly don't know what it is between him and I. It's been like this since 2016 and too this day I've been overly confused. 

One of the down sides of all of it, is that I never told anyone. And haven't told anyone, in the 5 years we've been hooking up I never told anyone. I've mentioned it to Cassie, but I never mentioned an actual name. 

Aryia's P.O.V. 

" Wait?! You're telling me you've written 3 EPS?! Not even 3 songs, you've written 3 eps and he doesn't know?! " Cassie asks, Kevin, Reggie, and I stop in our place. 

" I've written a few songs about him, there's no big deal about it. It's just that's how I got the emotions out, to him it was nothing, " Y/n tells her. 

" Who is this guy? " Kevin asks walking in.

" Kevin seriously? " Y/n asks. 

" You've written 3 eps about him, which ones? " Kevin asks. 

" Best mistake, medicine cabinet, and never yours. Each all having 7 songs, plus the other songs I've written nearly 25 songs about him, and he doesn't even know, " Y/n comments. 

" Yeah cause he's an idiotic boy, who doesn't understand that him just fucking you and leaving is hurting you, " Cassie comments, which causes me to look at Y/n. She's talking about me, she's written nearly 25 songs about me. I need to talk to her. 

At Kevin's party that night that's exactly what I did. I got her alone in my room. " You've written a lot of songs about me, " I tell her. 

" Aryia I'm not having this conversation with you, " she comments beginning to stand up. Let me tell you something so her reaction makes more sense. We got into a really, really bad fight. And she left for 4 months after that. We haven't spoken until tonight. And she's still upset with me about the fight, cause during that fight I admitted saying that I only fucked her that night because I thought she was an easy target. Which isn't true at all, but that's how it came across. 

" Is Sober about me? " I ask her, she has this song called Sober. And she's talking about a guy who she wants to be in love with, but he can't stay Sober. This was before I got sober. 

" Aryia... " she begins, I walk up to her grabbing a hold of her face. 

" Is Sober about me? " I ask her again. 

" Yes... Sober is about you, " she mutters to me. " So is Best Dressed, Saturday Morning, and Criminal, you get your emotions out differently okay? I get my emotions out by writing and producing and making music. You... you made me doubt myself that night. Because I know what I heard, but you don't want to admit it, " she adds. 

" What did you hear then? " I ask stepping away from her, here we go again. 

" You said you loved me, and when I brought it up you acted like I was crazy, " she comments. 

" You didn't say it back! You never said it back! " I yell back at her, in that moment she grabbed a hold of me and kissed me. This was the first time her and I had kissed in 4 months, and there was a lot that built up over these last 4 months. 

Kevin always jokes saying we fight like a married couple, he said that once I realize that I love her then we'll finally get into that relationship that we need to be in. 

" You said you loved me Aryia, I know what I heard! " Y/n yells towards me. 

" You're talking crazy, I didn't say anything like that, " I yell back at her. 

" I'm talking crazy?! " Y/n asks me, becoming more angry. 

" Yes you're crazy! " I yell towards her. 

" I'm crazy?! Really? You're the one who said it! " She screams at me, she begins to get dressed quickly and putting up her hair. " You know what Aryia.. fine tell me I'm crazy. Honestly I've been waiting 5 years to tell you this, I'm the crazy one but you're the one who has made me crazy. You've ripped my heart out so many fucking times, and when I finally bring something up that is from your doing! I'm the crazy one, but here's the thing you're the lame one! You're so afraid to actually fall in love with someone, and if you don't let people in you're going to end up alone! " She then screams, she leaves my place and just left. I didn't see her for 4 months after that. 

" I was going to say it back, but then you got all defensive about me bringing it up, do you really think I was just going to say it when you were denying you said it yourself? " She asks me, I slowly shake my head towards her. 

" No... I just thought since you didn't say it back in the moment, you weren't going to say it, " I tell her. 

" I was kinda in the middle of an orgasm when you said it so I kinda was focusing on that. But I was trying to say it, it made me feel like you didn't truly mean it, like you just throw around that phrase, " she comments towards me. " I love you too Aryia, I hope you know that, " she tells me, I give her a nod walking over to her and kiss her. 

And that's how it started, the relationship between her and I. And once I had her I never let her go, and I didn't plan on letting her go for a long time. 

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