91 - Brennen Taylor ( YouTube )

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He's been my best friend since I was 15, why am I having dreams about him? I shouldn't be having dreams about him, it's not a good thing to be dreaming about him. Especially him, because he's my best friend. And you're not suppose to be dreaming about your best friend! 

But I can never tell anyone or him about it, I shouldn't have feelings for him. He's my guy best friend, and if that would ever happen it would be terrible in so many ways. I already have a song about him, I mean I have several. So why now are these feelings starting to come back again. 

And with everything happening recently I truly don't know what's going on, all I know is that he's on my mind. And I can't get him off of it, and it's just annoying to me. " Y/n... earth to Y/n! " I focus on Brennen who has probably been talking to me for the past several minutes. 

" Yeah? Sorry... " I tell him, he chuckles lightly. 

" Your head is somewhere else tonight, what's on your mind? " Brennen asks me, I just shake my head. 

" Or who's on your mind, " Colby jokes, which just makes me shake my head again. 

" Nope, you're legit going to start a war with him, " I tell Colby, which causes him to laugh. 

Colby, Brennen, and I have a really good friendship with each other. Other than Brennen, Colby is one of the guys that I would count as my best friend. " I actually have to go, because I need to record some new songs before the EP drops, " I comment beginning to grab my things. 

" I'll walk you out, " Brennen comments, which I just nod towards him. We get down to my car, and just waits as I get all of my stuff in the places they need to be. 

" Honestly I'm overly tired right now, and I have no idea why, " I tell him, which causes him to nod towards me. " Now who's the one who is not in the world, you alright? " I ask him, he nods towards me. 

" Yeah just thinking, " he comments. 

" Oh no, that's not good, " I joke, which causes him to smile towards me. 

" Funny, you're hilarious, " he comments sarcastically which causes me to chuckle. " You should probably get going before your secret boyfriend gets mad at you for not being home, " he adds. Which causes me to shake my head. 

" How many times do I have to tell you? I don't have a secret boyfriend, " I tell him which causes him to chuckle. 

" Sure you don't, your heart has to belong to somebody. You're way too pretty to not be taken, " he tells me, which causes me to look at him weirdly. And he just smiles. 

" Well thank you for the compliment, but I'm not taken, " I comment, can't say my heart doesn't belong to somebody because it does. " Bye, I'll talk to you later weirdo, " I add. 

" Bye, " he comments back, with that I start my car and drive home. 

Brennen's P.O.V. 

I watched as Kat and her danced together, never have I ever felt these feelings towards her before. And now, all of these mixed feelings are coming alive. This is a girl who I have been friends with since she was 14, she's she's my best friend for a long time. I seriously call her kid sometimes, because that's what I used to call her all the time. And now it's like 'wow, who even is she'. I watch her walk away, and I follow her. She's getting a drink, and I walk up behind her and grab a hold of her hips. 

" Brennen, " she comments. I swing her around slightly pushing her into the counter behind her. She lightly gasped from me pushing her. " Can I help you? " She asks, which causes me to chuckle towards her. 

" I really, really want to kiss you right now, " I whisper, I see her eyes go wide quickly. " Do you want to kiss me? " I ask her, which causes her to look away. I grab a hold of her jaw pulling her back to look at me. 

" Brennen, you're drunk. And as much as I do want to kiss you, I don't want our first kiss to be you drunk and not remember it, " she whispers to me, she leans in and kisses my cheek. She tries to walk away but I don't let her go. " Brennen... you won't remember this tomorrow, you never do, let me go, " she adds, I let her go and watch her walk away. 

The next morning I woke up with a bad headache, and Y/n was there to give me Advil and tell me how dumb I was. Honestly she is the best friend someone could ask for. I wouldn't have asked for a better best friend. " I wish I could stay but I have to go record 'Kiss You', because they want me to redo a verse, " she tells me. And as much as I do want to kiss you, I don't want our first kiss to be you drunk and not remember it. What the fuck? " Brennen you okay? " She asks me. 

" Did I try to kiss you last night? " I ask her, I look up at her and she has the most shock expression on her face. " Y/n.. did I try to kiss you last night? " I ask again. 

" You remember last night? You were drunk out of your mind, why do you remember that? " She asks me, I walk towards her grabbing a hold of her hands. 

" I tried to kiss you last night?! " I ask her beginning to freak out, she places her things down and walks over to me and tries to calm me down. 

" Brennen it's okay, you do it a lot, it's alright, " she tells me. 

" But you're my best friend, I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable especially around me. I'm- oh my God, what did- oh my God, " I tell her beginning to go into a full panic mode. 

" Brennen look at me, " she comments grabbing a hold of my face. " It is okay, " she tells me in a soothing voice. " Don't worry about it, I'm used to it now, " she adds chuckling at it. 

" Do you ever want to kiss me? " I ask her, her hands drop from my face in pure shock. 

" I probably shouldn't answer that question, " she comments. 

" Do you? " I ask, she slowly nods. " Can I? " I ask her, she lets oh a breath and slowly nods. I begin to lean in and I kiss her. Which she instantly kisses me back. After I move away and she just chuckles. 

" Whoa, did not expect that to happen this morning, " she chuckles, which only causes me to laugh. " I should probably get going, " she adds. I give her a nod. 

" Do you want to go to dinner tomorrow night? " I ask her. 

" Yeah, should I wear nicer clothes? " She asks me, I give her a nod. " Tomorrow night, it's a date, " she adds. 

" Yeah... it's a date, " I tell her, which causes her to smile towards me. 

After that we started dating officially dating, which a lot of fans were like I knew this was going to happening and everything like that. And we've been dating almost 4 years now, and it's crazy to think that this friendship between the two of us evolved into what we are now. 

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