39 - Colby Brock ( YouTube )

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Her and I's relationship was never platonic, we were always something more. Shortly after I was found there was just a fight that emerged. " Colby, " I look at her and she shakes her head. " You two push them too far, and it's bad, " she tells me. 

" Y/n, " I tell her, she begins to walk away. " Y/n! " I comment. 

" Jake?! Jake! " Y/n screams. 

Corey grabs a hold of my arm. " Let her go get him, " he tells me. I give him a nod. It's been 45 minutes and I'm starting to get worried. 

" I'm starting to get worried, " I tell them. We hear someone walking outside the tent, and we exit it. And there stands Jake. 

" Where's Y/n? " I ask him. 

" What do you mean? " He asks me. 

" Jake, where's Y/n? " I ask him again. 

" I don't know, " he tells me, which got all of us worried. All of us began to run around. " Y/N! Y/N! " I scream. 

" Y/N?! " Corey screams. We have searched and searched and searched for her. And I truly have started becoming truly worried. 

" Guys! I found her! " Sam screams. 

" Y/n! Y/n! " I scream as I begin to run over to her. 

" Colby?! " She screams, I run and slide down right next to her. The boys running up behind us. " I'm-I'm stuck, " she mutters. She's in pain. I look down and realize her leg is trapped. " It hurts a lot, " she whispers. We try to move her, but she cries in pain. 

" Y/n/n, " Sam says, she looks at him as she has tears filling her eyes. " Does your hand hurt? " He asks, she nods towards him. " Colby, " Sam comments. I get up and Corey moves to her side. " She's been out here by herself for how many hours by herself? We need to get her to a hospital, " he adds. She screams again. " She's covered in blood, " he adds. I give him a nod. 

We eventually go her out, and an ambulance is on it's way. She's on my back, and she's slowly falling asleep. Hopefully it's just asleep and her not falling out of consciousness. " Hey, you alright? " I ask her. 

" I'm sleepy, " she whispers. 

" Guys, she's sleepy, " I tell them. I move her around so we're koala hugging. 

" The woman told her to stay awake, " Jake tells me. 

" Y/n you need to stay awake okay? " I ask/state. 

" I don't know if I can Colbs, " she whispers. I pick her chin up and look at her. 

" Stay awake okay. We're almost to where the ambulance is, " I tell her. She places her head on my shoulder. " I love you, " I whisper. We eventually made it to the ambulance and got her in, giving the person her information. We packed up everything and headed to the hospital as well. The drive there was quiet, the only thing being heard was our breathing. 

I decided once we got to the hospital to call her mom, who is back in Kansas. " Colby! Lovely to have you call, " she tells me sweetly. 

" Mama Y/l/n, there's been an accident, " I tell her, I'm already tearing up. 

" With my girl? " She asks. 

" Yes ma'am, " I whisper. 

" What happened? " She asks. 

" We were in the woods and she ended up getting lost. And she got trapped. We're at the hospital now, " I tell her. 

" Oh God, " she mutters. " Will she be alright? " She asks. 

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