50 - Corbyn Besson ( Why Don't We )

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He never noticed me, I was Zach's sister. Zach's younger sister at that, only by 2 minutes honestly Zach will never let me forget that he's older than me. I'm a YouTuber, and right before COVID happened I was in the Netherlands. And I was in the Netherlands for the whole time during COVID. It felt like every time I almost got to go back something would happen. Now it's finally 2021 and things have gotten lifted so now I am now able to come back home. 

And I'm surprising the boys, but mainly Zach. Because they don't know I'm coming home. They think I'm coming home late this year. My mom and some others are helping me with the surprise. They just released their new album, which it's pretty amazing. They've done awesome, and I'm so glad I've been able to see them grab into the great people they are. 

We're about to enter the Seavey household, they are currently in the living room. My mom is about to leave, which is my cue to walk in. And there she is, " Okay they're all ready, " she whispers.

" Okay we have to get together, " Franny comments. " Zach I know you want your sister here, but can you try to get us a smile? " Franny then asks, I see Zach slowly nod towards her. I get in position and smile behind them. " Okay great, you want to see the photo? " Franny asks. 

" Yeah sure, " Zach says quietly, Franny walks over showing him the picture. " What the- " he quickly turns around. " NO FUCKING WAY! NO FUCKING WAY! " He begins to scream, jumping over the couch and grabbing a hold of me. Which that instantly got me to start laughing. " You're here... you're actually here, " he whispers. 

" I missed you too bubs, " I whisper to him. After our reunion, he put me down and I gave everyone else hugs. The last one being Corbyn. 

" You grew up gorgeous, " he mutters. Which that caused me to blush slightly. 

" Thanks, you look good also, " I mutter back. He chuckles lightly in my ear, and I am then pulled away by Franny to go talk. Franny and I are good friends, even with the 4 year age difference. She's like the big sister I never had. 

" So you have to tell us all about the Netherlands, starting with who that boy was in those pictures, " she tells me, which that instantly made me start laughing and smiling. 

" He's just a friend, his name is Tobias though. He was one of the kids who lived in the Netherlands, " I tell her. 

" I mean some of those photos. I was like, they are looking at each other like they're more than friends, " Franny adds which causes me to chuckle. 

" I mean there was some moments between us, but him and I are friends, " I comment. I look up making eye contact with Corbyn, and I see a forced smile on his face. I hope he's okay, I can always tell when he's up about something. I'll talk to him later. 

As the night continued I kept talking to everyone and all of them welcoming me home. I grabbed a hold of Corbyn, leading him outside I need to find out why he's upset. He's been acting weird all night. " Okay, so what's been going on? " I ask him. 

" What do you mean? " He asks me. 

" You've been acting weird all night, I've been gone for what nearly two years. And you've barely talked to me, " I comment. 

" Y/n, " he begins. I look over at him, and he looks out into the backyard. 

" Don't say that nothing is wrong, because I can tell something is clearly wrong, " I comment towards him. I look back and the crowd is still inside, they can't really see us. And they know we're probably having a serious talk. " Seriously Corbyn what's wrong? " I ask him. 

I look back at him, and he grabs a hold of my cheeks pulling me in. Instantly catching me off guard. Him instantly pulling me in and kissing me. Catching me off guard, and I slowly start kissing him back. He backed away from me holding his hands up. " Oh shit, " he whispers.

" Corbyn, Corbyn wait! " I yell, he continues walking to the house. Leaving me there, outside by myself. What just happened, truly what just happened? 

Corbyn's P.O.V. 

I kissed her, I kissed Y/n. I kissed Zach's sister, and I left her out there alone. By herself, the day she got back from the Netherlands. Oh God, what's wrong with me? I just kept on walking, and I heard her following me or someone following me. " Corbyn! " I stop and turn to see her walking towards me. Franny and Christian close behind her. " You don't just do that and just walk away! " She yells. 

" Y/n I really- " speak words for the love of God speak words! 

" You don't do that and walk away, " she tells me again. 

" Y/n, can we at least talk in private? " I ask her. She turns back, and walks back to the door shutting it and quickly walking back to me. " I'm sorry, I should have asked you if it was okay. I just, I've been wanting to do that since before you left, which I know it's very weird and probably I don't know, I just... I know Zach would have mixed feelings, and I've just have always had the hardest time with my feelings towards you, " I add. 

" So you like me? " She asks me, I slowly nod towards her. She moves forward and kisses me. And I quickly kiss her again. 

Zach's P.O.V. 

" Where are those two? " I ask, Franny just smiles lightly. " What? " I ask her. 

" I think they're in the front and Corbyn's going to confess that he likes your sister, " Franny comments chuckling. I just laugh lightly. 

" Finally took him long enough, " I comment back. I walk into the kitchen, and look out the window to see the two of them kissing. I know it's weird, it's my twin sister and one of my best friends. But as long as they treat the other right, I'm fine with it. 

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