69 - Will Poulter ( Actor )

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Let me give you a backstory of me, I'm from Oxford, UK. My dad is a filmmaker and writer, and my mom is a writer and a costume designer/ makeup artist. They've been working together since my mom was 19 and my dad was 23. They got together when my mom was 22 and my dad was 26. They eventually 'settled' down a little bit, and had 3 kids. Of course they waited until my mom was 29 to have her first kid, and I'm their middle child. And my brother Oliver is 7 years older than me. And my younger brother, Jamie, is 7 years younger than me. 

With growing up with them as parents, we got to go on movie sets a lot, and very early in life I wanted to become an actress. My dad helped out with this group called 'School of Comedy', and that's where I became friends with Will. 

Now when School of Comedy was somewhat big, he was 16 at the time and I was 13. But he was still super cool and nice to me, well technically I was 12, cause I hadn't turned 13 yet. But him and I were friends, it was an odd friendship, it was mainly just be nice to her since she's so much younger than you. But he was always sweet to me, which caused me to get a little girl crush on him. 

A lot of them recognized me, because Missing Ophelia which is about Ophelia who went missing, and it's about her family trying to find her. I play Amelia her younger sister who is worried about her, because of the unknown of what could be happening to her. That went on for 6 seasons. It ended the year I got the Maze Runner job. 

And that's where we are currently, I am playing Demi the only girl in the maze. Demi came up shortly after Alby did, and has always been there to calm him down. James picked her name off of Demeter, the goddess of harvest, and I did a lot of research on her. Because I've always found gods and goddesses interesting. 

Kaya who will be playing Teresa, her and I have gotten close. I have an older sister, that's what I like to say. She's the older sister I never had, she's 4 years older than me. Which I have to say is pretty awesome, I have someone who I could look up too. 

Wes and James helped me a lot with her, she's a very secretive character, and there are somethings that are still not revealed about her. James says that he could do a whole book based off of her, and her book of the maze runner would look completely different. She's a girl who hides her emotions, and doesn't let anyone, but especially the boys see her at weak moments.

What was a nice and sweet surprise was when I saw Will, now I haven't seen him since 2009 pretty much. What was even funnier, was he didn't realize it was me. Because the last time he saw me I was 12. And I'm 17 now about to be 18, which is still weird to say. But hey, it's fun saying. My life hasn't been normal, especially since Missing Ophelia got so big. I've been a big name since then, and I've starred in other things as well. Plus with my last name being Y/l/n, it's kinda a nod towards my parents. 

Wes was talking to Blake and I about a scene that's about to happen, when I see Wes lightly smiling. Which caused me to give him a face, but continued on listening to what he had to say. " The bond between Demi and Chuck is very, very, very strong and close. They're practically siblings, Chuck looks up to Demi a lot. Sees her as an older sister, so for that scene give me all the emotions you can, if your sister was to get hurt, " Wes comments, Blake gives him a nod, and I turn around to see Will walking up to the two of us. 

" Why didn't anyone tell me earlier?! " That's all he said, he grabbed a hold of me and hugged me. Picking me up in the process, which caused me to laugh. After our hug he placed me back down on the ground. " Wow, you grew up gorgeous, " he mutters, which causes me to instantly chuckle trying to hide the blush on my face. But I can see him blushing also which makes me laugh more. 

" Thanks Will, " I comment still chuckling. " I need to go get ready for the scene, " I add. 

" Yeah.. yeah of course, we'll catch up later, " he comments, I give him a nod and walk towards where the scene will be taking place. Which the scene is between Dylan, Blake, Thomas, and I. Where I explain a lot to him, I'm the nicer version of Gally pretty much. 

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