124 - Colby Brock ( Sam and Colby )

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I ended up in his bed again last night. I woke up in his bed this morning in nothing but his shirt, contemplating what happened and how I am going to get out of the hotel room without being seen. 

I need to get out before I am caught, like it would be bad if I got caught. Like it would be absolutely terrible if I get caught. I don't want to get caught. That wouldn't be the best thing in the world if I did get caught, like it would be absolutely terrible if I did. 

I grabbed my clothes quickly but quietly, I didn't want to wake him up. That would be the worst thing if I woke him up. I don't need that, he doesn't need to wake up. He shouldn't wake up. This has happened since high school, we need to stop it, but we never do. 

I remember when it first happened between the two of us, when this situation started. I remember it like it was yesterday.  

"I swear, if you scare me Nate I will murder you!"  Which causes all of the boys to laugh, I was getting on one of the higher levels of the warehouse, the boys were doing their own thing. 

"Please be careful Y/n!"  Colby yells at me, which causes me to chuckle. 

"I always am Colbs!"  I yell back chuckling, which I heard him following me. "Colby don't push me or anything okay!" 

"Okay I promise I won't!" He yells, which I just nod towards him. 

We reached the top and I helped him up, which he tripped and we ended up being backed into the wall. With me being trapped between the wall and him. His right hand by my head, and his left hand placed on my hip. "Are... are you alright?" He asks, I quickly nod towards him. I didn't realize how quickly the two of us were breathing until, he moved slightly pulling me in closer towards him. 

"Are you alright?" I ask back, he quickly mimics my movement and quickly nods back towards me. We haven't moved from this position, he hasn't moved his right hand. His left gripped my hip a little more. But I think that's for the fact so that I wouldn't have fallen. 

There was something different, we've been in these situations countless times. The types that it could be romantic but this was Colby. A guy I have known since elementary school, but... now, it's different. It's like I want it to be in a romantic way, that I'm hoping he's looking at me in a romantic way. What pulled me out of my thoughts was him moving his right hand to grasp my face. "You... you can, if you want to Colby, I won't stop you." He nervously chuckled, and then he simply nodded. 

Within the moment of me finishing my sentence, his lips were placed onto mine, and we quickly began to kiss the other. It didn't take that long for it to become a lot more heated between the two of us, he picked me up and pushed me into the wall. Never in my life would I imagine this is where Colby and I would be, I couldn't even imagine it. 

"Colby! Y/n!" We both immediately stopped, and I jumped down stepping a few feet away from him. 

"There you are! Why is your hair messed up?" Nate asks. 

"I umm, tripped and it kinda messed it up. Did you guys find anything?" I ask, he nods towards me. I walk away from Colby, turning to look at him as he stands there in somewhat shock. I walked with Nate to find out what they found, and right before I turned the corner I look back at him as Sam is talking to him, but he's just staring at me. 

From that moment on his and I's friendship was never the same, some would say that it was never platonic between the two of us, that him and I were never just friends. I never told anyone, and I'm pretty sure he told Sam, maybe. But we never told anyone what him and I were doing behind closed doors. All we had was secret glances and touches, stolen kisses, and the unsettling feeling of knowing we could get caught any second. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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