105 - Colby Brock ( Sam and Colby )

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They dated back in high school, they dated from August of 2013 to October of 2014. They didn't break up, because one of them lost feelings or because someone cheated on someone. They broke up, because she was not mentally in a good place. 

She was on the roof and he knew she was struggling with her depression recently. He met her there, and he sat next to her. 

She placed her head on his shoulder, and he grabbed a hold of her her hand. " Talk to me baby, please... " he whispered, hoping to get a response from her. 

" I just... I don't know what I'm doing anymore, I feel like everything is going crazy. I'm just so, I don't know what's happening, " she tells him quickly, not fully able to fully think. 

" What do you mean? " He asks, she picks up her head, and moves closer to him. 

" Am I useless? " The single question nearly broke him. He grabs a hold of her to make sure she's looking at him. 

" Baby... no, no you're not useless! You're absolutely amazing! " He proclaims, she slowly nods towards him. " Don't ever say that okay, you're not useless I promise. Okay I promise, " he adds, he leans in and kisses her, and she softly kisses him back. But this kiss was different, this wasn't like the kisses he was used too. 

" I just, I-I don't know, I feel like you deserve is much better than me, " she quietly says. 

" Baby... please don't say that. I deserve you so much, you're absolutely amazing you are good enough... you're move than good enough, " he tells her. 

" Baby, will you still want me when Sam and you move? " She asks, which he nods towards her, he can see the sadness in her eyes. " Colby... " he knew in that moment she was about to tell him something. " I really need help... and-and I think I need to do it alone, " she adds, that's the statement that broke him, it broke him into a million different pieces. 

He started getting emotional, and she moved in front of him and held onto him. " Never doubt that I don't love you, and don't think that you did something wrong or that you're a bad boyfriend, because you're not, you're an awesome, amazing boyfriend, " she rants, not truly wanting to see him cry. 

" Your mental health has always been important to me, you know that right? " He asks, she nods towards him, " So is this the end of us? " He then asks, she leans in and kisses him again. She leans away, while still holding onto his cheeks. 

" I think so, " she whispered. 

" I don't want to lose you, " that sentence broke her. 

" You won't, I promise. I still count you as one of my best friends. I will always be here for you Colby, " she whispers, he slowly nods his head towards her. 

The two walked to her house, and he hugged her goodbye. " See you tomorrow, " he tells her. 

" See you tomorrow, " she tells him. 

He arrived at Sam's house and he immediately broke down, and she was the same way. Both being comforted by different best friends. Colby it being Sam and Alex, while Y/n it being Nate. He switched in between the houses, because he went to elementary with Y/n. 

It's been 6 years since that day, and honestly I've never be the same. She was someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I was overly in love with her. Head over heels in love with her, and I still have her as one of my close friends. It's just always been different since then. 

The fans always comment 'Ex lovers we stay friends, they were either never in love or is still in love'. And it's always followed by 'and I think we know which one they are'. I mean it's hard, I still love her, and I don't think I'll ever stop, it's just she needed time and I gave her the time that she needed. 

I walked into the living to see Kat and Stas being overly joyed about something. " Do I want to know what you guys are all overly excited about? " I ask them, Stas immediately just continues jumping. 

" She's going to sing See You Later! She hasn't sung it in like 4 years! " She cheers, I look at Y/n and she forces a half smile towards me. 

" Really? Why? " I ask her. 

" I just thought maybe it's time, I haven't sung in a while, and it's 6 years old now, " she comments, I give her a nod. I go to get a drink and I turn to see Stas and Kat. 

" Why was that conversation so awkward? I have never seen you two that awkward, " Stas tells me. 

" Because that song is about me, I haven't heard it in about 3 years, " I tell her, her facial expression completely changes. " It will be fine, I've heard her sing the other songs that are about me, " I add, she slowly nods towards me. 

" I keep forgetting you two dated, I just always know you love her, I thought it was the best friend type of deal, " she comments, which causes me to chuckle and slowly shake my head. 

" Colbs... can I talk to you real quick? " Y/n asks, I give her a nod. We go upstairs to my room, and we sit on the couch. 

" So what did you need to talk about? " I ask her, I kinda have a feeling of what she's about to ask me. 

" You're okay with me singing the song right? Because if not, I won't sing it, " she comments. I give her a nod. 

" That's one of your biggest songs, it's the song that started it all. You'll eventually have to sing it again, " I tell her, she slowly nods towards me. " I think it's a beautiful song no matter what, " I add. She nods towards me. 

" The fans have been asking for me to sing it, and I think it's time I do. I mean it's how I feel, " she tells me, that makes me stop everything that I was thinking. 

" Guys come on! " Sam screams, she gets up, and I shortly follow her. That's how she feels? Does that mean she's still... oh God, now I'm going to be over thinking all of this. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

" It's funny 'cause I've always dreamed of me and you, " I begin to sing, which makes everybody begin to freak out. As I said before, I haven't sung this song in years. And this is a lot fo my fans favorite song of mine. 

I continued singing and listened to my fans singing the song with me, some screaming it, and some getting emotional from it. I look up to see all of them, and my eyes land on Colby. I can see he's getting emotional, I can tell he's crying.

" Can't fall in love, when I found the one. How am I supposed to move on, when you're never really too far gone, " I sing, which I am singing to him at this moment. 

I tried to stop loving him, and I did for a little bit. But I always went back to him, he was my person. He is my person in so many ways. Not only as a best friend but also a partner. 

But I also needed that space so I could actually find myself and love myself, but I never stopped loving him. After the song ended we immediately went into 'Summer nights'. 

I am now backstage, the show just finished. I hear everybody coming backstage, and they're talking to the band. I feel someone touch my shoulder and I turn to see Colby. " Do you want to try again? " He asks me, I stand there in complete shock. " I can't do this anymore, I've been in love with you since we broken up. And I'm tired of being your best friend that used to be your lover, I want more, " he adds. I continue to stand there in complete shock. " And I know it's stupid, and I know it's probably a waste of time. But you were singing to me tonight, I felt it in my heart that you- " I cut him off by grabbing a hold of his neck pulling him towards me, and kissing him. 

After I slightly pull away, and he's still holding onto my waist. " Colby just shut up, yes... of course let's try again, " I tell him. 

That was the start of our new relationship, and I'm happy we're trying again. Honestly we should have done this 3 years ago, but now I have him. And that's all that matters. 

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