106 - Colby Brock ( Sam and Colby )

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Maybe I should tell them, but it would probably be better off if I keep it a secret for now. I don't want to add more drama to the mix of everything. But he'll probably recognize me maybe. I don't know should I tell them? I feel someone nudge me and I turn to see Seth, " you okay? What's on your mind? " He asks, which instantly pulls the others into the conversation of being concerned about me. 

" Um... I used to go here when I was younger. Last time really shook me up a lot, so... um I'm trying to decide if I want to actually go in or not. Or just go to my parents house, " I tell him. 

" You came here? " Colby asks me, I give him a nod. 

" My family that was our thing, especially here. But everywhere that we would go for vacation we would go to different haunted homes. I've been to the Conjuring House, I've been to Sallie's House, I've been to Lizzie Borden's. The list goes on, I didn't go back to the Conjuring one for a reason, and this one to me was more traumatizing than Conjuring, " I comment. Nate had stopped the car we're in a parking lot. 

" Do you feel comfortable about going? " Nate asks me, I slowly shake and nod my head. 

" Can you tell us what happened? " Sam asks, I give out a huff and slowly nod my head. 

" I had my clothes started being taken off of me, and when I screamed no I was choked until I was unconscious. I woke up with cut marks all up and down my body, that's why I have the scar on my eyebrow and eye, " I tell them, Colby places his hand on my thigh, and Seth places his hand on my shoulder. 

" Was it you? " Seth asks, wondering what actually happened. 

" I don't know, all I know I woke up in the hospital 3 days later with no memory of what happened. I swore to never go alone in the house again, and said I don't know if I will ever step foot in that house again, but I wasn't the same after that, " I comment, they all look at me in worry and shock. 

" Do you want to do this? " Nate asks, I give him a slow nod. They all looked at me in shock. 

" I know this video isn't apart of 25 by 25, but the whole point of it was facing our fears. I need to face mine, and that's it, " I comment, they all smile towards me. " What? " I ask. 

" I'm glad you're facing your fears, " Colby comments, which causes me to smile towards him. 

Nothing really had been happening, and I wish that's how the night continued doing. I was in the kids' room when everything started going south. I went to go get the flashlight, which Seth was standing in the parents room so he was seeing me. I looked at him walking back and that's when the door slammed shut. 

" Guys! The door closed! " Seth screams, I am in full panic trying to open the door. 

" Guys! Please get me out of here! " I scream. " No not again, not again! " I mutter, I feel something holding onto my shoulder, and I continue trying to get the door opened. That's when it switches from my shoulder to my throat. " COLBY! " I scream. 

Colby's P.O.V. 

" COLBY! " I immediately am trying to help with Seth getting the door opened. 

" No... no, " I hear her mutter, we get the door open. And I immediately run over to her. She's laying on the floor, and she's turning purple. " Y/n breathe, breathe! " I scream towards her. The only thing I can think of is doing mouth to mouth, so that's what I do. I do it a few times, and slowly I feel her kissing me back. 

I move away from her, and she's fully crying. She immediately just latches onto me and is crying. " I got you, I got you. You're safe, " I whisper to her. We got her out of the house, and we went down the street. Yes, down the street to her parents house. 

" Go back, I'll stay here. My mom won't let me go out of her sight, go, " she tells me. I shake my head, she gives me the 'are you serious' look. 

" You-you just got brutally attack, and you want us to go back into that house? " I ask her. 

" Colby... " she grabs a hold of my cheeks and I look at her. " I'll be alright, you guys have what? 3 hours left? I know you can do it, and if anything happens my mom will contact you okay? " She asks, I give her a nod. 

I really want to kiss her, but Sam is filming. And I know everyone is watching, so I just lean in and kiss her cheek. " I'll be okay, I promise, " she whispers. I slowly nod towards her, and walk back to the boys. 

Honestly it felt like a movie, I think it's obvious I hav feelings for her. And recently I've just been trying to figure out what those feelings actually are. She's a great girl, truly she is. And I've been catching myself wanting to kiss her more. And wanting to hangout with her more, and wanting to just be with her. 

" She'll be okay, she's in her mom's hands now, " Sam tells me, which causes me to know towards him. 

When we arrived back at their house, her dad was the one who opened the door. " Is Y/n alright? " Nate asks, he slowly nods his head. 

" Lili, found scratch marks all up and down her body. They're getting her fully checked out by one of our friends, who is a doctor who lives a few streets over, " he tells us, we all nod towards him. We walked in to see a guy probably in his early 30s, and he's attractive. 

" Boys! This is Atticus, he's lived two streets down from us for the longest time, " her mom tells us, we wave towards him. 

" Hi nice to meet you all. Lolli won't even shut up about you guys when she comes and visit, " he says, Y/n's a little out of it I think. I think her body put her in a place of shock, and I mean it makes complete sense. He's wrapping up her leg, and I mean I have to say he's good at his job. 

" We were just talking about why they never happened, " her dad says, oh that made my heart hurt. 

" Dad... he's married and has a kid on the way. Can we let this go? Plus when we were in the range of in that dating range I was 13 and he was 19, it wouldn't have worked, " Y/n comments immediately shutting him down. 

" Plus, I couldn't handle the beautiful girl she became. She needs someone more wild, more crazy, you know someone who has tattoos and likes breaking the law. That couldn't be me, " he comments, which causes me to lightly smile. He practically just described me. 

Later that night I am outside and I hear someone coming up behind me. I turn to see Y/n and she's holding two mugs. " My mom loves hot chocolate, and said you guys needed to try her 'special' hot chocolate, " she tells me, while handing me one of the mugs. 

" Well I'm sure it's delicious, " I tell her, which causes her to laugh. I take some of the drink, and look at her in amazement. " That is really good, " I add. 

" My great-great grandmother's recipe, it's been passed down through the generations, " she tells me, I nod towards her. We continue talking, and there's this look she always give me. And I'm wondering what she's thinking. 

" Are you thinking about? " I ask, she looks at me and places her mug down. 

" Why didn't you kiss me earlier? " She asks, I stand there in complete shock, and place my mug down. " And I know you don't fully have to answer, I was just... I thought you were going to kiss me, I mean it's pretty obvious that there's something more with the two of us right? Or am I completely idiotic when it comes to that, and you actually haven't been giving me signals? " She rants, I step towards her and kiss her. And she quickly kisses me back. I move away from her, and she just stands there in shock. 

" I'm giving you signals, I have feelings for you. I have always had feelings for you, " I tell her, which causes her to chuckle. 

" I have feelings for you too, " she comments, I grab a hold of her and hug her. 

When we got back, we went on a date and shortly after we got together. She's fantastic, and I should have just told her sooner, but I am so glad that she's mine. 

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