118 - Min Yoongi ( BTS )

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One's wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of someone's life. Here I stand at the alter, waiting for my bride that I haven't even truly met. Her father discussed with my father, and they came to the conclusion that I would marry her. 

I wasn't a part of this conversation, and maybe it was for the best... for her. Because of the letter her mother, my future mother-in-law sent me. 

Dear my future son-in-law, 

My dear beloved daughter has always been the light of my world. Throughout my life she was the one who made all my bad days good, she made me smile on my worst days. But... my dear son-in-law she has a dark past. Filled with a lot of mistrust and hurt, she won't open up to you until she's ready. Let her open up to you when she's ready. I cannot stress this enough, my dear boy. She'll set boundaries so please respect them. I know my husband hates your father, but I know your father has raised you way better than my husband has raised my daughter or attempted too. She'll love you forever if you respect her boundaries and be there for her in those dark nights. Be the light in her life, and show her being married isn't like the marriage she was raised with as she grew. 


Your mother-in-law 

I was taken aback by the letter, the boys were with me when I first received it and read it. They could tell it was something deep from my facial expression. And when I read it to them, they completely started going on how Y/l/n is even worst than he already was, he hates his own daughter. I was in shock by this, and as I stand here I still am. 

And when I saw her for the first time while she started walking down the aisle, my heart immediately stopped. She looked beautiful, she took my breath away. How could someone hate such beauty. 

I barely remember the ceremony. I was amazed and in awe by the woman who I will be able to call my wife, as she stood in from of me being a nervous wreck. But the kiss we shared, it was special. Our bodies were perfect for one another. I don't know how she felt, but I know what I felt. I was going to fall for her easily, and I was going to fall for her fast. I was just hoping she'd fall for me just as quickly as I knew I would fall for her. 

Her dark nights as her mother referred to it came up very quickly. Three weeks into the marriage, she woke up screaming and huffing and puffing. I was scared when it happened, I thought something really bad happened. 

Her screaming was what woke me up, I turned over to see her sitting up her eyes flowing a river, and she was breathing heavily. I fully turned over to her, which caused her to look at me. " I'm... I'm sorry, I had-I had a nightmare, " she whispers to me. I move closer to her, rubbing her back. And she slowly leans into me. 

" Do you want me to go get you some water? " I ask she shakes her head. 

" Stay with me please... please Yoongi, " she mutters. Whatever her nightmare was about, it fully and utterly scared her. That was the first night her and I ever held each other. I laid back down, and she laid right on my chest. 

" I'm here with you okay? You don't have to worry, I am here to protect you always, " I whisper to her, she hums towards me. And just as quickly we were awoken we fell right back to sleep. 

She tried to apologize that next morning, but I wouldn't let her. I told her 'it doesn't matter if you woke me up. I was just happy that you were safe, I thought something really bad happened.' Which just caused her to nod towards me, I know she's going through a lot. Maybe I should invest in getting her a therapist. That would probably be beneficial for her. Someone she can talk to, until she's ready and comfortable enough to talk to me. 

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