32 - Christian Sevaey ( YouTube/Twitch)

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She's been friends with the boys even before the band was created, signed to a different agency. But was still able to tour with them, the boys didn't know the chaos that went on behind closed doors with her. She was signed to the agency when she was only 13, back in 2014. It happened before her 14th birthday. But the things that happened, was not good. When she was only 16 they forced her to pretend to be in a relationship with Eben, a man who was 4 years older than her. But they were only best friends, Eben and her were not allowed to tell anyone. And the media loved it, saying that he should be in prison. And she needs to get her life together. Her manager, Clarence, saying 'any news is good news' which wasn't true. She was stuck in an abusive relationship with her management with little to no escape.

What happened in July of 2019 opened the eyes of many. Including the boys who thought they knew the young girl inside and out. " I get that she needs to perform Clarence I do. But look at her, she needs rest, " Eben comments trying to convince Clarence to not let Y/n perform. She's been dealing with this since she was 14, and she knows she'll have to go on. He's a sicko, and she knows what you're thinking. Why haven't she left the label or at least his management. Well he's a family worker, he's one of her dad's closest friends. Her dad wouldn't let her leave, which honestly he's just as bad as Clarence, but... it's just not healthy. She's trying to get out, and this has been going on for 5 years. She's 19 now.

" Eben it's fine, I'll perform, " she mutters. Clarence grabs a hold of her side and grabs her hip tightly.

" Good girl, make me proud, " he whispers. She slowly nods, and he walks away from the two of them.

" Really? Y/n you're not doing good, " he comments. She gives him a slight nod.

" Either way it's going to be bad, I'll just give you the signal if I'm going to throw up or something okay? " She tells him, he nods towards her.

The boys loved watching Eben and her perform. So that's what they were doing. " She does not look well, " Corbyn mutters to Jonah. All he could do was nod back to him. All of them could see it, she didn't look well she didn't look healthy. She looked sick. Daniel looked around to try and find Terri one of her other people in her agency.

" Terri she doesn't look good, " Daniel quickly says, she looks as she continues performing.

" Daniel there's nothing I can do, Clarence is the only one who can take her off that stage, " she whispers. The boys looked at each other in disbelief, they all saw what they saw. She wasn't healthy, it looked like she was about to pass out. As the song came to an end Eben looked over at them with terror and sadness in his eyes. She gave him the signal. They were sitting down at that point, and she leaned against him. The crowd finding it adorable, because many know they are best friends. And many think that they are super cute, but everyone was shocked by what happened next. Her sliding off, and collapsing onto the ground. The boys didn't care, they all ran onto stage. They wanted to make sure she was alright, and all nervous when they realized she wasn't awake at all. She wasn't responding. They all ran off stage Eben holding onto her.

" Boys you still need to perform, we will keep you updated, " Terri says. Clarence begins to walk up and Terri looks at him in anger. " You stay away from her, " she adds. He stands there in shock, by Terri raising her voice at him. " Eben you can come with me if you want, but you can stay if you want. I need to get her to the hospital, " she states.

" I'll go with you, " Clarence states.

" No, you stay here, " she snaps angrily. The boys were super confused by why she was getting so angry at Clarence.

The show was still a good show, but all of them were worried about Y/n. So were all of their friends, Christian the must. He was in love with her, and they've only been dating for about 3 months. He still remembers when they became more than friends. It was in April, a few days before her 19th birthday. And she had come over to talk to Daniel about a song idea she had. And she was talking to Christian having a good conversation with her. And out of the blue he admitted he liked her, and she just smiled saying she felt the same way. They always flirted with each other, and that's where their relationship started. They decided to keep it quiet for a little bit, but he was so excited that he got her. She was one a beautiful girl but also a smart, charming, gorgeous human being.

After the show, Daniel could see the terror written on Christian face. All of them were nervous about what happened. " Have you heard anything about Y/n? " Oscar asks.

" We're going to go to the hospital, from what Terri said it's not good, " Jonah states.

Y/n's P.O.V.

" How long has he been abusing you? " A nurse asks me, they have a police officer here as well.

" In what way? " I ask quietly, I see all of them look at each other with sadness in their eyes.

" Physically, " she states.

" Since I was 14, " I mutter.

" Verbally? " She asks.

" 13, " I mutter.

" Emotionally? " She asks.

" 13, " I whisper.

" Mentally? " She asks.

" 14, " I mutter.

" Sexually, " she states, I look at her as a tear falls from my eye.

" 13, " I whisper. I hear someone walk forward grabbing a hold of my hand. By the feel of the hand I know it's Christian's hand.

" Okay, we have the proof we need. He'll be arrested immediately, " the officer says. I nod towards her. They all begin to leave, and the boys come into the room.

" You guys are suppose to be at a concert right now! Why are you here? " I ask them.

" Concert is done, and we would pick making sure you are okay over the concert, what exactly happened? " Jonah asks.

" Sleep deprivation, dehydration, eating disorder, stress levels, the passing out was just my body telling me it was done, " I comment, Christian holds my hand tighter. " Yes I've had an eating disorder, I'll get better eventually. Just like you guys, I've practically been on tour for 3 years. And with Clarence as my manager it was a lot harder. As you guys heard, he'll be getting arrested for many things, " I add.

And that's where the journey began, I wasn't going to go on tour in 2020. But the globe was making sure nobody was, a pandemic happened. I'm living with Christian for many reasons. But one of the main ones is that the doctor said I needed to live with many people. Shortly into the pandemic Christian and I hit a year of dating, and honestly he's been the biggest support I've ever had in my life. Clarence was arrested, and my mom divorced my dad.

And now it's Valentine's Day of 2021, and Christian and I are still going strong. Daniel and Franny finally admitted they're dating to the world. And it's awesome. It's amazing.

So I decided to post something about Christian. The picture is actually a photo Oscar took, it was Christian holding me as it was me hitting the weight I needed to be counted as healthy.

To my best friend, you were introduced to me as Daniel's cute older brother who knew how to act. And now you're the love of my life. No one saw what you did for me behind the scenes, you were my biggest support. Always showing your love and support during the hardest of times for me. You were always there, and when all of your fans tell you, you deserve the world it's so true. You deserve so much more than the world, you deserve the universe. I love you, happy Valentine's Day.

A lot of my friends commented, and I heard someone walking in and looking at me. " Hey, " he comments.

" Hi, " I tell him.

" I loved your post, and I love you more than anything, " he whispers. He holds out his hand and I accept it and he picks me up. He leans in and we kiss.

It's so nice having someone in your life that is yours. And he's mine, and I'm so happy that he's mine.

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