26 - Zach Herron ( Why Don't We )

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Jonah's P.O.V. 


Randy is talking to Zach about something, and we're not sure what. Something seems up, just based on Zach's facial expression. " Should we go see if he's alright? They've been talking for like 45 minutes, " Corbyn comments. 

" I don't know, " I whisper. Randy walks in, and Zach stands there in shock. All of us walk out to see him. " Zach what's wrong? " I ask, he looks up at us and we notice a letter. 

" Zach? " Jack asks. 

" She's gone, Y/n's gone. He said she um-she left during tour. And she's not...not coming back, " he cries. We all walk over to him and hug him. " She's gone, " he whispers. 

" It's going to be alright, " Corbyn whispers. Jack stays out with him, and we all head back inside. " Why would she just leave? " Corbyn asks, I look over at him and shrug my shoulders towards him. 

" He's going to be a complete mess, he should go visit his mom, " Daniel comments. We both nod towards him, Jack and him walk back inside. " Hey why don't you visit your family, we have a few days off, " he adds. He nods. 

" We'll work stuff out here, you need to see your mom, " I tell him, he nods again. 

" Have you read it? " Corbyn asks pointing to the letter. He shakes his head. " Read it when you're ready, " he adds. He nods towards him. Jack and him walk off, and we all look at each other. 

" God he's a mess, " Daniel mutters. 

" Understandable, his best friend since he was like what 3? Just gets up and leaves, wouldn't you be the same way? " I ask him. 

" Not only best friend, he was in love with her, " Corbyn chimes in. We nod towards him. 

" I just don't know why she would just leave, " I comment. " There has to be a reason, " I add, Jack comes back down without Zach. 

" He's asleep, " he comments. 

" Did he tell you why she left? " I ask. He shakes his head. 

" I don't think he even knows, he just kept saying over and over again she's gone. I don't even know if Randy knows where she went, " Jack comments. 

" He has to know where she went right? " Daniel asks. We all look at each other in confusion. Not truly knowing if he would or not. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 


" You need to be gone by the time the boys come back, " Alice tells me. I look at her in shock. 

" I'm confused, why? " I ask. 

" Well you're pregnant, with Zach's child. So you need to stay away from them. When they get back it's going to be like you never existed to them, they are taking off. And none of them need distractions, " she tells me, I stand there in shock. 

" And if I don't? " I ask. 

" I'll get a restraining order against you, " she comments. " Or I'll have you arrested, " she states. 

" This is outrageous you can't just do that! " I scream at her. 

" Yes I can! Zach doesn't need you, he doesn't need that inside of you in his life. So you better leave now and never show your face around him or it will be bad, " she screams back. I step back in shock. Grabbing my things, and walking out of the front door crying my eyes out. Making my way to my house. 

" Y/n? Baby what's wrong? " My mom asks running over me, I instantly fall onto the ground beginning to cry my eyes out. She grabs a hold of me, and just holds me whispering to me it's going to be alright. She knows, so.. I just I don't want to stop hanging out with him. I'm in love with him. 

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