37 - Jack Avery ( Why Don't We )

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Mental health issues warning.

Now hear me out, there's something going on between Jack and Y/n. There's no way there isn't right? Now as much as I love Gabbie and him, and as much as I love Gabbie. If he wants to be happy with someone he should be. With whoever that is, now I think that something is going on with them two. You can just tell by the way of how he looks at her he's in love. Or there's some type of strong emotion towards her. Plus I think it's the same for her, she looks at him like she's in love. And Nova looks at him like a dad, which honestly makes complete since.
No, no way. It's Gabbie and him, not Y/n. I love Y/n, I have nothing against her, but Gabbie and Jack deserve to be together. They have a child together, they have Lav.
Do you want Jack to be happy?
Well of course who wouldn't.
Then let him be happy, I'm not saying that it's true, I was giving my opinion. Now if that's with Y/n it's with Y/n, or if that's with someone else. As much as I love the idea of Gabbie and him getting back together, we have to be realist and think that most likely they aren't. But everyone deserves to be happy.

" You really need to stop reading those posts, " Jack tells me walking in.

" I know, it's just it's interesting reading their opinions, " I comment. He walks over looking over my shoulder to my laptop.

" And what's this opinion? " He asks.

" That there's something happening, and someone saying no you're suppose to be with Gabbie, " I comment. He looks down at me, and I slightly smile. Kind of a force of habit. " But then the girl explaining that if you're happy that's all that matters. And most likely you're not going to end up getting back with Gabbie, " I add. " It's a mess, " I mutter beginning to stand up. Jack stops me from standing up, and pulls me into him.

" Don't worry about it okay? Everything is going to be fine, " he whispers.

" Jack, " I mutter.

" Don't use that tone, I know it's a lot. But trust me, you know the mess of everything from last year is gone. Now it's us, " he comments.

You're probably confused, the 'mess' from last year is the break up between Gabbie and him. And many were giving me hate, because they thought I was the cause of the breakup ( which I wasn't by the way ). Jack and I started dating in late 2019, and we decided to keep it a secret. Just for a little bit, and he had started helping me raise Nova. My daughter, now there was a rumor that Jack was actually the father to Nova. Which that's not true. Her dad was- well her dad is my ex boyfriend, and the minute he found out I was pregnant he left. Her real name is Novalynn, we call her Nova for short. She was born on July 4th, 2019. Three months after Lavender.

Nova does call Jack dad, Nova's turning 2 this year. Which is insane to think, and it's weird to think. All Nova will know is these guys, and I'm happy about that. I'm so happy that she has people in her life that she can fully look up to. Jack didn't have to step into that father figure role but he did, and it makes me happy that he did. Another question I get a lot is how are the terms between Gabbie and I. And they're completely fine, nothing has fully changed between the two of us. Gabbie and I have actually thought about Lav and Nova meeting each other. And Gabbie and I have had many talks about being a young mom. Many fans tried to put Gabbie and I against each other, which was chaotic in every way possible.

And then the interview came out, the interview that definitely has affected somethings.

" I truly would count Jack as a father of two daughters. Obviously Lavender is his biological daughter, but no one truly sees what he does with Nova. The love he shines towards her, he is raising her like if he is her biological father. He's such a good dad, and he's absolutely amazing, " That's what Zach said during an interview.

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