20 - Christian Seavey ( Twitch/YouTube )

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" Hey guys it's your daily dose of news! Now the new mini series that Sister Productions does has come out, and Christian Seavey was in this mini series, and what I love is the relationship that was formed between Y/n Y/l/n's character and Christian's character, let's watch a clip, " Amelia states. 

" Your partner for this project is posted, please find them now and start working on what you have, " the teacher states. The camera pans to Elliot, as he finds his name it reads Genesis Hemming, the shy girl, he looks up to see her writing notes down. He walks over sitting next to her. " Genesis right? " He asks. She looks at him and nods. " You don't talk that much do you? " He asks, she shakes her head. " I'm Elliot, um- our project is over something involving space, " he adds. She nods towards him. The bell rings, and he writes something down before getting up and leaving. She picks it up, and reads it. His number with a note that says 'since we're working together, you probably need a way to communicate with me'. 

As she was walking out the teacher stopped her." Genesis, for this project to work you have to talk to him. I would have put you alone, but I couldn't for this project. Elliot is a kind guy okay? " She tells her. 

" He's going to judge, he'll call me weird, " she whispers back. 

" No he won't, now go get to class, " she says. She walks out, and turns to her left to be met by Elliot. 

" Out of the 8 episodes, which one was your favorite? " Amelia asks. 

" Either the first one or the fifth one, I love the story all together. My favorite scene is when they're laying in the grass looking at the stars, " Emily states. 

They had been laying down taking a break from their project, and looking at the night sky. " You know space... is completely silent, it's the only place that if you screamed no one would hear you, "  she states, he looks over at her in shock. This is the first time she's spoken words to him, like full on sentences. " Space is so weird, there could be life on Saturn and we wouldn't even know, we don't know so much about it. We know more than we know about the ocean, but we don't know, " she adds chuckling. She looks over at him, who still has a shocked look on his face. " What? " She asks.

" You're saying sentences to me, " he chuckles. " I didn't know you knew that much about space, " he adds. 

" I know a lot about, I wanted to learn everything about what killed my parents, " she mutters. 

" Killed your parents? " He asks, he sits up and helps her sit up as well. 

"  Astronauts W. Hemming and L. Hemming, I was 8 months old when they died up there. I never met them, but I became obsessed with learning about it, " she whispers. A tear falls from her cheek, and he brushes it away. He holds his hand in the same place. " Sorry, I usually don't talk that much, because I say the things people don't want to hear, " she adds. 

" It's alright... it's nice having an actual conversation with you, " he chuckles. She chuckles back to him. " So who do you live with? " He asks. 

" My grandparents, plus my brothers and sisters, I'm the youngest, " she comments. They look at each other, and he looks down at her lips, and back up at her. In begins to lean in when the light of the front of the house turns on. 

" Elliot, Genesis dinner! " Elliot's mom screams. She quickly gets up from where she was sitting. 

" We should get going, " she states. He nods towards her. She walks inside, and he lays back down on the grass. 

" You're a dumbass, why did you try to kiss her you idiot, " he mutters. 

" I can not wait for the next episode! " Amelia states. 

Christian's P.O.V. 

" The second to last episode comes out today, it's probably one of the ones that everyone wants the most, " Y/n says chuckling. 

" Why is that? " I ask. 

" Well because in the trailer for the episode, our characters are seen almost kissing, " she says laughing. 

" No! Genesis and Elliot kissing?! That's unbelievable! " I tell her. 

" I know, " she states back as we joke about the episode. She gets a call and leaves the room, and I hear chuckling from Corbyn and Daniel. 

" What are you guys laughing about? " I ask sitting next to them. 

" How you two flirt, dude just ask her on a date like a normal human being, " Corbyn chuckles. 

" We're not flirting, " I comment. Daniel looks over at me with the 'you're a dumbass' look. 

" Christian, she's flirting with you. She's into you, ask the girl out, " Daniel states. 

Days after that the episode was released, and everyone was going crazy. 

" Genesis wait! " Elliot screams running after her. 

" What Elliot? What do you have to say to me right now? You lied to me! " She screams. 

" I know okay, I know I did. I should have told you right away, but- what was I suppose to do? " He asks. 

" Not push me! That's what you were suppose to do! I have never opened up to anyone before, not a single human being! And I opened myself up, and I let you in! And you throw that away for what? A laugh? " She asks, he stands there silently. She walks up towards him pointing at him, and at his chest. " I am not a joke, I've to therapy since I was 7. I haven't told anybody about my parents since I was 7, and you decided to claim it. So are you happy Elliot?! You win! Congratulations! " She screams. She begins to walk away, and he grabs a hold of her wrist pulling her in and kissing her. Which she instantly starts kissing back. 

" I love you, and I didn't say that to the school. Someone must have heard us talking, yes I lied to you about why we were partners. But I never told anyone about what you told me that night, I'm in love with you Genesis Hemming, I'm in love with you, " he states. She gets out of his grasp, and gets into her car and drives away. " FUCK! " He screams punching the wall. He screams out in pain, and he looks to see his mom and baby sister. 

" Elliot! " She runs over to him to check his hand. " That's broken, we need to get it to a doctor, " she adds. They get into the car, and begin to drive. A tear falls from his eye as they drive. 

The scene changes to Genesis, as she walks into her house. Greeted by her grandparents. " Genny what's wrong? " Her grandma asks. 

" He told me he loved, " she whispers. 

" Honey you love him back, " her grandma states. 

" But doesn't love only leave you heartbroken? " She asks. Sit down. 

My phone buzzes, and it's a text from Y/n. 

Meet me outside, please. 

I get up making my way outside, as the others watch the episode. " Everything alright Y/n? " I ask. 

" Yeah, I just have a hard time watching the next scene. And you were just on your phone, so-I'm sorry I didn't know if you wanted to watch it or not, " she tells me. I grab a hold of her shoulders moving her to look at me. 

" What's wrong? " I ask. 

" I don't even know, my brain is saying one thing and my heart is saying another, " she comments. 

" And what are they saying? " I ask. 

" My brain is rethinking of asking you to come out here, and my heart is wanting to kiss you, " she whispers. I pull her in and kiss her. Which obviously she kisses back. 

" I like you, " I comment. 

" I know, it's kinda obvious, " she says laughing. I pull her into a hug, and she just laughs. The fans were really happy when they found out we were more than friends, and let's be honest it's amazing. I'm so glad she's my girlfriend. 

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