104 - Draco Malfoy ( Harry Potter )

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Many of the professors rushed out, with the command of us going straight to our common rooms, when I arrived to the common room I found Blaise to try and find out what happened. " Do we know what happened? " I ask him. 

In that moment we heard a blood curdling scream, and immediately ran to go find out who was screaming, we came across Y/n crying collapsed on the ground. " Was she the one who screamed? " Blaise asks, the Weasley twins running up to her. 

We moved slightly closer not to get to close. " He can't be gone... please, he can't be gone, " she cries towards them. 

" Come Y/n let's go, " one of the twins tells her, she's still crying and she can hardly move. I've never seen her like this, she's always the one who is always being a smart ass, and always telling me off for being a bully. 

We saw Snape, and moved away from his point of view. But it was too late, he saw us. " What are you doing out of bed? " He tells us, in a complete trance. 

" What happened? Why is Crouch acting like that? " Blaise asks him. 

" Her grandfather... was found dead, " he tells us, I immediately ran down the corridor to go find her. 

We have a confusing relationship, we have kissed before. And, and recently I have realized I like her. But it wouldn't work most likely, she's- it's confusing. I mean my father would be fine since she's pureblood. But it just-she's also in love with George Weasley, so why would she even attempt to be with me. 

When I found her, she was sitting on the bridge just in complete distress. " Y/n, " I mutter to her, and turns to me immediately getting down and running into my arms. She was bailing on my shoulder, she couldn't stop crying. I picked her up, and carried her to the edge of the bridge and sat her down. And we continued hugging, she was in shock. I can tell she was, she was just told her granddad is dead. I would understand why she's still in shock. 

She lifted her head, and rested it against the brick, and I moved closer to her. I was standing in between her legs, and holding onto her waist. " He-he died, he died... " she stammers, I grab a hold of her cheek and hold it. " My dad was already crazy enough, and my granddad as much of a workaholic he was... he was still a good-good granddad, " she cries, I give her a nod just listening to her as she tells me all of this. " I lost him, " she mumbles, I grab a hold of her hands and move them towards my face. Lightly kissing them, and continuing to hold them in my hands. Sometimes all you need is someone to listen to you, and right now she definitely needs it. 

" What can I do, to make you feel a little better right now? " I ask her, I know, I know. This isn't the Draco Malfoy we know, it's different when it's her. I can actually be myself with her, she's become my outlet. The person I can go too and be completely honest, and not be judged by something that I am feeling. It's nice. 

" Stay with me... please, " she mutters, I nod towards her. I hop up next to her, and she lays her head on my shoulder. 

" Of course, " I whisper to her. 

And we stayed there for about an hour, maybe even longer. I walked her back to the common room, and she grabbed a hold of me and hugged me again. This was the only time I had ever been inside the Gryffindor common room, or even just in the Gryffindor house. I helped her into bed. Making sure that she was feeling alright, what caught me off guard was when she grabbed my hand all of a sudden. " Thank you Draco, " she whispers, I nod towards her. She moves up and kisses me, and I slowly kiss her back. 

Even if she wanted more, I wasn't going to let her tonight. Not with everything that has happened, she laid back down. And I made my way out of the dormitory and common room, and back to the Slytherin house I went. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

" Was he actually being nice? " I look to see Hermione, I slowly nod towards her. 

" He can be nice sometimes, it's just with his parents and everything... he has to be different, " I add. She slowly nods towards me, they're all feeling sorry for me. My granddad pretty much helped raise me, he's the one who convinced my mother to give me Crouch as a name, because she almost didn't. 

Too this day, I'm not sure if he knows I'm his daughter, which kinda makes me have mixed emotions. But in all honesty it's probably the best. He's a terrible human being, and I don't need to have him in my life. 

" How are you doing? " Dean asks, I nod my head towards him. He gives me a hug, a lot of people have been trying to give me sympathy. 

" Could be better, " I whisper, he just nods towards me. 

With everything happening, honestly it's strange to me. Something else is happening, and that's what worries me. There is something that we're not aware of. And that's what I want to know, my granddad is dead, and who knows... who else will be killed, I don't want to lose anyone else. I can't lose anyone else, especially the ones I care about. 

Draco has been acting more different these past few days, I know he was actually being more than nice than he usually is with me. But something has happened. I walked up to him grabbing a hold of his hand, him looking at me and raising his eyebrows in confusion. 

I didn't say anything, I just started to drag him away, and he followed along. When we arrived I stopped him, and he was just waiting patiently for me to start talking. " What has been happening with you lately? I feel like you're... you're acting differently, " I tell him, he looks away from me. And that's how I can tell he doesn't want to answer. " Draco... please, talk to me, " I comment. 

" I don't want to talk, " he whispers, I look at him now confused. 

" Then what do you want to do? " I ask him heavily confused. Without any warning, he walks towards me, grabbing a hold of my face and kisses me. I was heavily caught off guard but quickly started to kiss him back. 

He lightly moved me against the wall, and the two of us continued kissing. I moved away from him and stood there in shock, this was the first time him and I have kissed in a long time. Last time we kissed it was a pity thing, nothing dramatic, it wasn't that good. But we fully just kissed each other. 

" What... what was that for? " I ask him. 

" I... I, I don't know. I just thought it was a good time. I like you a lot, " he tells me, I give him a nod. 

" I like you too Draco, I really do, " I comment, he smiles towards me. 

If you're wondering we didn't start dating until a long time later, that started the journey for the two of us. Surprisingly to everyone, he become nicer. Which is funny, because I always saw that nice side of him, and I'm glad I got him. 

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