52 - Tom Felton ( Harry Potter )

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" Y/n Y/l/n everybody! " James screams, I walk out giving him a hug and then sitting down. " So, I have to say before we start, I have watched you grow up pretty much. I loved watching you play Ebony in Harry Potter, " he adds. I smile lightly towards him. " Does that ever get annoying, you know you being associated with Harry Potter? " He asks me. 

" Oh my God never, Harry Potter was the greatest experience of my life. I met lifelong friends on those sets. I fell in love with the series just as much as everybody did. And being able to bring to life my favorite character it was amazing. I loved playing Ebony, really the movies taught me so much, " I tell him, he nods towards me. 

" I mean watching you grow up was absolutely amazing, how old were you in the first film? " He then asks. 

" I had just turned 10, I was 9 when I was casted, " I comment. 

" And you grew up into this beautiful, beautiful woman. We'll talk about Harry Potter later, right now let's talk about December Skies, what exactly is December Skies? " He asks. 

" So December Skies is about this couple showing the love story of them. It's a really beautiful love story between the two of them, told in December of the years. Which my co-star is Alfred Enoch so that was fun being able to work with him again. It's a very cute and loving love story, " I tell him. 

" Wrapping back around to Harry Potter, how was it working with Alfred? " James asks. 

" It was so nice, I hadn't been able to work with him in 4 years or even see him in four years. Which I will say the height difference a lot of people will love the height difference between him and I, " I comment. 

" What's the height difference? " James asks. 

" Well he's 6'4" and I'm 5'2", so there's a big difference between the two of us, " I tell him. 

" Was it fun working with Alfred? " He asks. 

" It was, Alfred is a very sweet and loving guy. So being able to work with a sweetheart like him was very, very sweet, " I comment. " As back to what I said about making lifelong friends, the first reunion him and I had it was like we were back in 2011 just talking about life it was like we had never stopped seeing each other, " I add. 

" That's amazing, now in this movie your character and Alfie's character has a child together. Now how did that go with the fiancé? " James asks, which that started to make me laugh. 

" I mean, it's apart of acting. I will say the kids that they got to play our child was the cutest kids I had ever seen in my life, " I comment. My fiancé and I are no longer together, so I'm trying to breeze past this question. 

We finished the interview, and I started getting my stuff. Honestly it's been a few hard months, but I'm going back to the UK to stay there, and just stay calm through the holidays. Maybe try to see a few people which that would be nice. 

Tom's P.O.V. 

I had just got off work when I saw I had a text message, which I didn't even believe who it was I had to reread it to make sure I wasn't misreading it. Y/n, hadn't seen that name in forever. 

Hey Tom, hope everything is going well. I'm back in the UK, so hopefully when you get back or if you are here we can hang out. I would love to catch up, it's been 5 years and I'm sure a lot has changed for the both of us. Hopefully this is also still your number, talk to you soon. 

So I quickly answered back, hey Y/n, yeah this is still my number. Luckily I am in the UK still, and I would love to hang out and catch up. I actually did just get off work, so let's try to make some plans! 

Which we quickly made plans, and it's now a few days later. There was a knock on my door and I walked over to it being greeted by Y/n. I instantly grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. " I missed you so much, " I whisper. 

" I missed you too, " she whispers back, which we quickly started eating and just chatting. It was just like old times, and I was thrown back into those old feelings. When we were filming the Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. I had fallen in love with her, it was so hard not to. She was someone who she walked in a room and she just lit it up. 

" So I do have a question, when are you going to get married? " I ask, I could tell from her face something was wrong. 

" I'm actually not getting married anymore, we called it off, " she comments. 

" The wedding? " I ask her. 

" The relationship, turns out he wanted someone more than me. I wasn't what he wanted, so he felt, I haven't seen him in 7 months. Stopped wearing the ring right before I started filming for December Skies, it's just we haven't told anyone because well because I don't know where he is, " she chuckles while drinking some of her wine. 

" Wow, I'm so sorry, " I tell her placing my hand on her shoulder, she smiles lightly and turns to me. 

" It's alright, it's not your fault. Now you, tell me about your love life, " she comments. Oh God, my love life? 

" There's nothing much to tell, I've been working, working, and working, " I comment which causes her to scoff lightly towards me. 

" There's not a single girl you've went on a date with? " She asks, I shake my head. No, cause they're never you. " I'm surprised, you're Tom Felton, you're Draco Malfoy, surely someone would want to sweep you off your feet, " she jokes with that beautiful smile on her face. 

" Guess, I just haven't found her yet, " I tell her, she slowly nods.

" Yeah I guess I haven't found him yet either. Luckily I'm coming out with a new song, " she tells me. 

" What's it's called? " I ask. 

" Moral of the Story, " she says sweetly. 

" Sounds sad, " I joke, which that causes her to chuckle. I miss seeing her, she's one of the people I miss the most about leaving Harry Potter. 

" It is, it does kinda display that my engagement is over, " she comments towards me. 

We spent the next several hours just talking, it was nice being able to catch up with her after all these years. She's really becoming a star, and it's nice to see her living out her dreams. " Oh my, it's late I should probably start heading back, " she tells me as she begins to get up. 

" We should do this again, " I tell her, she nods towards me. 

" Yeah, yeah we definitely should, " she comments. We hug and she kisses me on the cheek. 

" Hey just saying, that your ex fiancé, he's an idiot. Because you're amazing, " I comment towards her. She smiles towards me. 

" Thanks Tom, same goes to you, " she says back to me. I smile lightly towards her. 


Tom Felton and Y/n Y/l/n are quarantining together! I decided to read the Instagram post. It's from a fan account. It's the story that Y/n posted of us two dancing in the kitchen. Now I've been shipping these two guys when I first saw them in the first HP movie! And the fact that they are quarantining together! I can't wait that means we're going to probably get a lot of content from them, they are the reason why this year isn't going to be completely crappy! I can't wait! 

I also read through some of the comments, many of them just loving us two together. I picked up my head to see Y/n sleeping soundly. She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. We started meeting up a lot more after we met up, and through that we just truly realized the feelings. They were there before, but both of us were completely focused on Harry Potter. And we just hit 4 years of dating. I'm planning on proposing to her, I would have proposed this year, but due to everything that is happening I haven't. 

I decided to take a photo of her sleeping, and just save it. Not everything about our lives need to be public, we deserve to have some privateness in our lives. She's probably the best thing that could have ever happened to me, and I'm so glad that she's in my life. I'm glad I get to call her mind, and I will eventually be able to call her my wife. 

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