72 - Josh Larkin ( BurntChip )

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" There's Chippo! "  Cal screams, which causes us to wake up. Cal shines his flashlight into the room, and I immediately turn towards Chip moving into his chest more. 

" Cal that thing is bright! " I comment towards him. 

" It's 3 am Cal! " Chip yells towards him, which causes me to chuckle a little bit. I lean over him grabbing his shirt and slip it on. And after that I begin to get up. " Ba- Y/n where are you going? " He asks grabbing a hold of my hand. 

" The couch, he's talking business. You can see it in his smirk, " I tell him, which causes him to shake his head. 

" Why couldn't have this waited until the later morning? " Chip asks, which causes me to laugh as I walk out. 

Chip and I have been friends for years, I moved here back in 2015 from my hometown in Wooler. I moved to London in January of 2015 when I was 17, I turned 18 that May. I met those guys in February that year, and quickly became friends with them. Chip and I became really, really close friends. And our friendship started from there. 

We have many moments like that, I could go down a list as the fans would say 'more than friends  moments' which only causes us to say we're just friends. Because we are friends. We have kissed once or twice, and we definitely have slept by each other. And not with each other, him and I have not had sex. But we have slept in the same bed as the other person. I don't know why, but those moments always creep back up on me. I always think about them, I realized lately I am always thinking about him. 

" I don't understand what's wrong? You've been acting so weird since the dinner, " I tell him, which he just walks over to me getting super up close to my face. " What Chip? You gonna kiss the sense into me or something? " I ask him, I always made jokes about us kissing, because he always says the thought of us kissing makes him hurl. What catch me off guard was when he leaned in and kissed me. Which I didn't kiss back at first, but I did kiss back a little bit. 

When we separated he just walked away from me, and I stood there in shock. I didn't move from my place until Theo got home, which was like 45 minutes after we did. And when he got home I walked to Chip's room. " Why did you do that? " I ask him. 

" I don't know, " he mutters. I walk over to him and sit next to him. " I'm sorry, it's just you're my best friend. And I've definitely have alcohol still in my system. I didn't mean to step over any lines if I did, " he adds. 

" No you didn't... I mean you're a good kisser. But it's alright I understand. Why don't you get some rest okay? We'll talk about it when you wake up, " I tell him, he nods towards me. I begin to stand up, and he grabs a hold of me. 

" This won't change us right? " He asks. 

" It won't... I promise, get some rest Chip, " I whisper to him. I walk out of the room, and go to sit on the couch. 

The second time we kissed was the one who has always stuck with me. Him and I we always gave each other like kisses on the cheeks and he always gave me forehead kisses. 

But I recently found out that my dad is very sick. Not Covid thankfully, but they don't know if he's going to make it or not. The doctor says he could die in 2 months or he could live for another 20 years. 

I came out of his room sobbing, and he immediately ran over to me. Holding onto me as I fell to the ground, and was holding onto my face. " Hey what's wrong? What's wrong? " He asks me, I continue crying, and start hyperventilating. I heard the phrase panic attack be told by someone, but I couldn't tell you who. " Y/n.. hey look at me, breathe okay... breathe, " he mutters to me, and I continue on hyperventilating. And in an instant he leaned in and kissed me. And I kissed him back, like fully kissed him back. He pulled away and held onto me. " What happened? " He asks me, I am sitting in his lap and he's holding onto me. Theo, Gib, Reev, and Cal are there. 

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