45 - Jonah Marais ( Why Don't We )

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" Jonah! Please, look at me! " I screamed at him, he continued packing his things. " Jonah what happened?! What did I do?! " I scream again. He looked back at me with tears streaming down his face. I walk towards him, and he moves back. " Jonah... what happened? " I ask him hurt that he is acting like this. 

" You... you already know what you did. You cheated on me, you decided to give yourself to another human being, " he cries. 

" Jonah I never would cheat on you, who told you that? " I ask him walking towards him, he steps back again. He didn't say anything, he just left. Leaving me by myself. Leaving me there to think about what I now have to deal with alone. I pulled out the pregnancy stick out of my pocket to see if it was positive or negative. And it was positive. 

That was 3 years ago, now Jonah's band is doing very well. What I'm doing now, trying to raise my kid. And stay away from Jonah. I tried to tell him, tried to tell his friends. But none of them would listen, well actually I'm blocked. So I couldn't even get in contact with them. It's sad, I don't even know who told him that I cheated. Maybe he didn't trust me, and that's what hurts me even more. Because I trusted him with everything. 

Myles looks exactly like him, like exactly like him. And it hurts me, because he looks like the man that accused me of cheating and then left me. But I still live my life the best I can, luckily there are people in my life that stayed. Who believed that I didn't cheat, and I'm glad. Myles turned 2 in February, February 14th to be exact. He's growing up so quickly, and it's insane that he is, he's my pride and joy. 

Jonah's P.O.V. 

We're all working very hard to just promote the album, and it's been good. It's been great, and I'm so happy we have all had this chance of being able to do this. I haven't seen Y/n in 3 years, I told that she cheated on me. There was pictures, and I left. I don't know why, but I had a gut feeling that I needed to stay. But I didn't, I left, and it was a good thing. I needed to leave. " You ever think she needed to tell you something? " Jack asks me. 

" Who? " I ask him. 

" Y/n, before you left. Did you think she needed to tell you something? " He asks. I slowly nod towards him. 

" Yeah I did, I felt like it was something important. But she cheated on me, so I left. I needed to leave, " I tell him, he gives me a nod. " Why are you bringing her up? It's been 3 years, " I add. 

" I saw a story on Gabbie's Instagram, " Jack states. 

" Okay? " I ask him confused. 

" Jonah, watch it, " Corbyn tells me, oh God, his voice is so serious. What's this story about. He showed me the story and it's Gabbie videoing someone that the airport. The comment being 'after over a year of zoom calls, they meet in person'. And it's a little kid and Lavender hugging each other. And out emerges Y/n smiling. 

" Who's the kid? " I ask him confused and shocked looking up at Corbyn and him. Corbyn walks over to me grabbing a hold of my shoulders moving me over to sit down on the couch by Daniel. " Who's-who's the kid? " I ask him. 

" From what I've seen, it's Y/n's kid. I think his name is Myles, he's like 2 months older than Lav, " Daniel comments. My heart instantly drops to my stomach, and I move and sit with my elbows resting on my knees and my face in my hands. She had a kid, she had a kid. 

" She had a kid? " I ask angrily. " She had a kid! " I scream standing up quickly. 

" She posted something, " Zach comments. We all walk over to see him, it's another story. 

" Go Myles! Go Lavender! " You hear the two of them laughing as they're dancing to a song. The camera then spams to her. Lavender and Myles pull her towards them, and the three of them starts dancing. 

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