59 - Brennen Taylor ( YouTube )

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I watched as she slept peacefully, she's had one of the hardest weeks of her life. And she really needed to get some of her frustration out. She's always been someone where we would do stuff if the other needed someone. You know it makes sense why she's so stress, she's about to put out an EP. I would be stressed to. 

I would be lying saying I hadn't caught feelings for her though the years. I eventually just stopped dating, because I knew if I needed anybody I could easily go to her. Our only rule with that was that if the other one had someone or was about to have someone everything had to stop. Because neither of us ever want to cheat on our partner. " You leaving? " She mutters, God her morning voice is the cutest thing in the world. I walk over to her crouching down in front of her, caressing her cheek. She lightly grins towards me, and moves her head more into my hand. 

" Yeah, you just go back to sleep okay? " I ask her, she nods slowly. I lean in and kiss her forehead, and slowly walk out of her room. As much as I would love to be more than friends with her, at the current moment that's not what she needs. Right now she needs to focus on her EP, and that's what the deal is currently. 

Another thing, this has been going on for almost 5 years now and no one knows. None of our best friends, none of our practically family, no one knows. Which I know is surprising since I tell Colby a lot and she tells Tara and Kat a lot. When this first happened we decided to keep it a secret, we knew it was going to be kept off the internet. And to insure that, we decided to not even tell anybody. 

" Thanks for picking me up, "  she comments while getting into my car. I'm picking her up from a party that is like an hour and a half away from LA. 

" Yeah of course, I wouldn't have wanted you to go home with a complete stranger, " I tell her, which causes her to chuckle at me. " The sun's about to come up, " I add, towards her she gives me a nod. 

" Yup, there's a cliff if you want to go watch the sunrise, " she tells me, I giver a nod. And she looks up the directions to the cliff. 

We arrived about 10 minutes later, and now have been sitting and chatting. " It's beautiful from here, " she whispers towards me, I nod to her as she watches the sun begin to rise. 

" You're beautiful, " I tell her, she looks over at me in pure shock. " What it's true, you're very pretty, " I add. She continues to look at me in shock, and continues to stay quiet. " I just I hear what those comments say and they're not true, " I comment. 

" Brennen why are you telling me this? " She asks, she's slowly moving closer to me. 

" Because, you deserve to know that you're beautiful and you- " I begin. " do you want to kiss me? " She asks. 

" Yes, " I quickly tell her. 

" Then do it, don't ramble on about me being pretty and what not, and just- " I moved completely in and cut her off by kissing her. And she quickly started kissing me back. It wasn't long before I moved her on top of me and the kissing between the two of us became more intense. She slowly pushed me down, and I watched as she started unbuttoning her shirt. She pulled it off of her body throwing it to the side. And she then moved and started taking my shirt off. 

" I didn't know you...you had this in you, " I mumble, as a moan comes out as she begins to grind on my body. " Oh God, " I moan, I grab a hold of her tits pulling her tightly down to me and we begin to kiss again. 

" Brennen... " she moans back. 

I flip us around so I'm hovering over her. " Yeah? " I ask her. She's giving me this look that she's about to ask for something. 

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