116 - Kim Taehyung ( BTS )

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Heads up! This is set where Covid is not a thing. 

" She has a whole life without you, the best thing you can do is forget about her and focus on this, isn't this important to you? " That kept repeating in his head as he walked to meet the rest of his friends. He wasn't even sure how they found out about her, he was making sure to keep her a secret. 

His friends could instantly tell something was wrong, Jimin being the one to grab a hold of him and pulling him into a hug. They somewhat knew what had happened, from the phrase of 'he needs to know she's gone.' They were talking about Y/n, a girl he had grown to love. He was heartbroken, she was just gone. With no explanation nothing, she was gone. 

He blamed himself for a long time, believing that maybe if he loved her more than she would have stayed. But he didn't know the truth of why she was gone, and no one told him or the rest of the group until 2022.

Y/n's P.O.V. 

I was running through the streets trying to get to the studio as quickly as possible. Their management, or a branch off of it. Told me to not come in contact when they found out I was pregnant. They believed it would be too distracting for the boys, and that they needed to focus. They told me I had to keep my mouth shut or bad things would happen. I was suppose to leave without saying goodbye, and they flew me here. To New York, I was only 21 at the time. Thankfully I had some family who lived here so I was able to adjust a little bit quicker. 

I had my daughter, Veda, on New Years Day in 2019, and she's been the light of my life since then. She's three now, and is enjoying life more than anything. She always asks me questions, and usually they are the weirdest questions in the world. But that's what happens when you have a three-year-old daughter. 

When you have a kid they become your priority no matter what, that's how life goes. I haven't been in his life since that day. They were determined to get me out of South Korea, they believed I was just doing it to trap Tae, which wasn't completely not true. But they didn't care, they believed what they believed and they wanted me gone. 

I haven't seen them since then, it's been 4 years. I listen to their music occasionally, and I am so happy that they getting recognized with what they deserve. They're wonderful at what they do, I just wish I was able to do that with them, but I can't. 

I have the opportunity to go on The Late Night show tonight to talk about my new book. Which is a mental health awareness book. Which is based off of my experience while I was in Korea. Which it's called In Our Next Life. 

" Y/n Y/l/n everybody! " Jimmy screams, I walk out giving him a hug and then sitting down in the seat. " I read the first page of your book, and was left speechless. The first sentence is 'he will never know the truth, they made sure of that.' I was with my wife, and I verbally was like 'oh my God.' Which pulled her into wondering what had happened, and I'm under the impression that this is based off your real life experience? " He asks, I give him a nod. 

" It's definitely inspired by it. I became a mom when I was 21, I was really young. And the situation with her father is a nonexistent one. I told fans I said 'this book is my coping mechanism.' It is based off my life, but not entirely, " I comment, he nods towards me. 

" Your daughter a beautiful kid, does she understand what exactly you are? Does she get that you're a famous author, and you have this amazing singing ability? " He asks. 

" She has no idea, she loves cuddling with me when I'm writing. And she thinks it's cool that I write a lot, she's under the impression that my books are for her, but she also thinks that every book she sees I wrote, which makes me laugh a lot, " I tell him, which causes him to nod towards me and laugh as well from her being a crazy girl. 

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