49 - Draco Malfoy ( Harry Potter )

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She was talking to one of the Weasley twins, it's hard to tell the difference. They are both utterly annoying, and are an embarrassment to the pure blood name. I didn't even realize I was staring until Goyle jabbed me in the stomach with his elbow. Causing me to stare at him. " What was that for? " I ask him angrily. 

" Pansy asked you a question, " he comments. I turn my attention to Pansy who is just giving me a look. 

" Are you going to be joining us when we prank them or not? " She asks, I give her a nod. Every year we try to do something to the other houses before the games begin. To show you know how we're the superior house. 

I don't know why I've been staring at her, I've been catching myself doing it more and more. And half of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. It just happens, my brain is just playing so many tricks on me right now. It's truly annoying. 

Her and I are enemies, we've been enemies since she punched me for bullying Longbottom, Longbottom of all people. 

Prewett is her last name, her dad, Fabian Prewett, died before she was even one. The Weasley family is her cousins, aunt, and uncle. She grew up with them most of her life, her mom's house and her house is close to where they live I guess. 

Why am I so infatuated by her, and I never truly understood why. Obviously she would never go for me, but why do I have a stupid little crush on her. One she's related to the Weasleys, two she's a Ravenclaw, and three she's all I ever think about. 

My father would be so angry with me if he found this out. If he found out that I find a Ravenclaw beautiful. But she was fiery, I kinda think she should have been put in Slytherin with how much passion she has. I looked at her again, and this time we made eye contact. She didn't smile or anything, it was just a neutral face. I couldn't tell if she was happy or upset or angry. But it was quickly done, and she turned back to talk to one of her cousins. 

What is wrong with me? Truly, how dumb do I have to be to like a Prewett but also a Ravenclaw and also someone who shares the same genes as a Weasley. It's an outrage, but something about her keeps me from moving on. I've liked her since our first year. I covered it up with hatred but it's grown anyway from hatred into liking. 

She's all I ever think about now. It's now late, and I'm in my bed just trying to think of what I need to be doing for the week. 

My door opened, and Y/n was standing there and I quickly got up from my spot. She slowly walked towards me wearing nothing but my buttoned up shirt, and holding our ties in her hand. " What are you doing here? " I ask her, she stayed silent. She pushed me down on the chair, and climbs on top of me. She grabs my tie, and ties it around my wrists. She moved in and we started kissing, all I wanted to do was to touch her. 

" Baby, please untie me. I beg you, " I beg towards her. She lightly chuckled and continued to kiss my neck slowly biting and then moving to another spot. Which caused me to moan quietly in her ear. 

" Wow, he's begging and moaning for me, " she whispers. Which caused me to moan even more. " How cute, " she then whispers. She got up and slowly started unbuttoning her, well my shirt. I was trying my hardest to get myself untied so I could touch her, but I was struggling. Which caused her to smile. 

" GET UP YOU FOUL CREATURES! " I jolted up becoming fully awake from my yelling Prefect. Now she's affecting my sleep. This can't be happening, what is happening? Just try to focus, just try to focus. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

I'm waiting for Ellie, who's been one of my best friends since forever, she's a Hufflepuff. But I saw Draco walking out of the Slytherin Common Room, and he looked flustered. Which got me to chuckle lightly, I looked up to see Professor Snape walking my way. " Miss Prewett, may I ask why you're down here when you're clearly not suppose to be? " He asks me. 

" I'm waiting for one of my friends, we're giving tours to the 1st years today, " I tell him in my sweetest voice. He wanted to say I was wrong, but he knew I wasn't. After he left, I made direct eye contact with Draco. He was flustered, and I could tell he was. Ellie had met me and started walking the first years away. 

" Okay first years go up the stairs, I'll wait for the late ones, " I tell them and Ellie. I walked towards him, and I was determined to make him more flustered or make him embarrassed. " You should probably cover that up, there are children around, " I whisper to him. He had a clear boner, and I was definitely going to point it out. I just watched as he stared at me in disbelief. " Cat caught your tongue Malfoy? " I ask him chuckling. He was so shocked he couldn't even speak. 

" I-well- " he cut himself off, which caused me to chuckling a little bit more. I moved closer to him, and I moved my hand so it was right above his dick. 

" See ya 'round Malfoy, " I said quietly, I glossed my hand on his torso just above his dick, and walked away. Leaving him standing there alone. I honestly was impressed with myself where I got him to actually got him so flustered he couldn't even speak. 

It was much later that day, and I was making my way to study with some of my close friends. Someone grabbed a hold of me shoving me into a nearby wall. Once I made eye contact I made eye contact with who it was. " Really? " I ask him annoyed that he was actually bombarding me with his annoyance. 

" Yes really, " he tells me, just as annoyed as I was. 

" Wow, he can finally talk, " I tease, he gripped me tighter which caused me to chuckle from his reaction. " You know what I realized from our little interaction earlier today. All of this asshole aesthetic. All of it, it's all an act, " I add chuckling. 

" Oh really? " He asks me, I grab a hold of him swinging us two around so that he's against the wall. 

" Yeah really Malfoy. It's all just an act, " I whisper to him. 

" Fuck you, " he spats, which causes me to chuckle. I let go of his arms and grab my books. 

" You wish, " I say continuing to chuckle as I walk away. 

" Hey I'm still talking to you! " He yells, I turn to see him angrily walking up to me. 

" What do you have to say Malfoy? " I ask, he grabs a hold of my waist pulling me in towards him. Which caused me to lightly gasp from how he pulled me in, and us being as close as we are. We stayed there for a few seconds, and he slowly started to move in and he kissed me. I at first didn't kiss him, but I eventually kissed him back. I moved away from him, and was in complete shock. " I have to go, " I mutter towards him. 

" Wait, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. It's I've been thinking about you a lot recently, which is overly weird in every way. And I know, we're suppose to be enemies but I can't stop thinking about you, " he tells me quickly. 

" You can't stop thinking about me? " I ask him. He nods slowly, things now going off in his head that he just admitted this all to me. " I thought you hated me Draco, " I add. 

" I don't, I just hide that because I didn't want to tell you how I really feel, " he comments. 

" And how do you really feel Draco? " I ask him stepping closer to him. 

" I like you, I've liked you since we were young, " he tells me. 

" Good, " I comment. 

" Why is that good? " He asks me. 

" Because I like you too, " I tell him. 

That was the beginning of our relationship, it was a rough one. Especially at the beginning, but we kept it strong. It was a long relationship, it ended with us saying I do to each other. Which made everyone proud, because Draco Malfoy was finally turning over a new leaf and becoming a better person. 

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