80 - Brennen Taylor ( YouTube )

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" Brennen this is my little sister Y/n, " Colby states as she holds out her hand. 

" Hi nice to meet you, " she says smiling. 

" Hi... nice to meet you too, " I tell her, there was something that lit up in me the minute we shook hands. I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but I knew her and I would have a history with one another. " Colby why didn't you tell me you had a sister? " I ask him. 

" Cause he's ashamed that he's not as awesome as me, " she jokes, which causes me to chuckle lightly. Which that comment got Y/n to be picked up by Colby and getting swung her around, which only caused her to continue on laughing. 

And that's how our friendship started, to me there was always something more between the two of us. She might disagree, well her boyfriend would definitely disagree with me. They've been together for like 8 months or something, I'm not sure exactly. All I know is that she usually comes to me crying. 

Like right now. " You know if you continue on getting hurt, maybe you should leave him, " I ask her. 

" Brennen... " she tries to talk but I stop her walking over to her and grabbing a hold of her hands. 

" You cry to me so many times about a guy who clearly doesn't see the amazingness that you are, then you don't need to be in that relationship, " I tell her. 

" He's all I know, plus what guy would want to date me? Austin is the first guy to ever want me for me, and not want me to get to Colby, " she tells me. I would, me! " See you're being silent because you know it's true, I have a better chance getting struck by lightning then finding another guy, one who is better than Austin. But he's stable, somewhat but he is, " she adds. 

" Could you see yourself having kids with him? " I ask her, she looks at me with an emotionless face. Kids were always the one thing she was going to have, she's always wanted to be a mom and that's the one thing that kinda keeps her grounded in relationships. 

" I mean he'd be a decent dad, " she tells me. 

" But you want someone who will be a great dad, Y/n you're 21 years old. You don't need to jump into the first relationship you find, if you don't think Austin is the right guy then you need to end stuff with him, " I comment. 

" Sometimes you're better with advice than my brother is, " she chuckles, and reality hit me. Even if she was single, it's then Colby who's the issue. Colby Brock her older brother, my best friend. There's so many rules against it, and as much as I want it. I respect Colby, even if it hurts me internally. " Brennen, " I look at her and she moves me closer to her. " Sometimes I wish you and I could work, " she adds. 

" Yeah... me too, " I whisper to her, there was a moment where I truly thought time froze. 

" I should probably go, I'm sure Austin is at my door ready to beg for my forgiveness and to get back with him, " she comments. 

" What do you mean get back with him? " I ask her. 

" I broke up with him this time, " she tells me. " I actually took your advice and told him that if he messes up again I was done. And he messed up, told him I was done and broke it off. But he's always trying to get me back, " she adds. 

" Thanks for taking my advice, you're coming to the party tonight right? " I ask her, she gives me a nod. 

" Wouldn't miss it for the world, " she says smiling towards me, I was hopelessly in love with this girl, and there was no way I could ever be with her. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

I arrived at the party, Austin had been trying his hardest to get me back. But I wasn't going back to him, Brennen was right I deserve someone better. And I'm 21 I don't have to rush into anything. A party is exactly what I need, to just get drunk, dance, and have fun with friends. Maybe flirt with somebody, probably won't do that. But who knows the night is young. 

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