Chapter 63

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Chapter 63: A Favor

My mind went all white and blank. Frankly, I just wanted to stop thinking. Because if I did, I might've poured my emotions into my fists.

I did my utmost just so I could restrain myself. If not, the situation would've exceeded the Duchess' assumption.

Does she not know that she's in a dangerous position right now?!

As I had such thoughts, I helplessly came to have the desire to look at the other person's demeanor.

I wanted to know what kind of face she was making after confessing what she has done.

Even if it was a joke, I believe I cannot accept her apology so easily.

After all, the issue concerned about my dear mother's death.

I took a deep breath and kept myself calm momentarily.

"If this is a lie, I think it's better for the Duchess take it back before it ever gets too late."

...Because I don't know if I am capable of controlling my resentment if it truly is a matter of fact.

Truthfully, I wanted her to take back the words that she's spoken.

This matter simply came out, all of a sudden. And I wished for it to end as quickly as possible.

I didn't want to break our bonds because of something like this. That's why... please.....

Please tell me it's a lie...!!

"I am not lying."

I was shaken.

My body trembled as if it was controlling something at all cost.

As soon as the Duchess gave me a response, I felt the urge to cover both of my eyes with either of my hands in an instant.

If she doesn't perish from my sight, there's no doubt that I'd do something that could bring harm to her.

As an outstanding noble lady, there was no way that she could possess the ability to withstand my strength, even if she was older than this body of mine.

I have once took an attack from her in my past life. And based from the texture of her hands with no blisters, it was very likely that she wasn't experienced at that component.

Furthermore, there was nobody guarding us right this moment. Hence, it was absolute for me to keep my distance with her.

But even if that was what I wished to do, my body just wouldn't listen.

Before I knew it, I had my hands stretched out toward the Duchess' direction, as if it targeted her neck.

I was more than thankful that the table kept her out of my reach. And it was then that the Duchess finally spoke again.

"I'm fine with it even if you detest me now. However..."

In less than a second or two, she stood with one of her hands slammed on the table. And grabbed my hands, and bravely drew her face near it.

"If you have the guts to perform the same mistake as I did-"

"Then, try and do it."


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