Chapter 90

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Chapter 90: Viola's Diary

Year XXXX, July 19,

Today, I have been assigned into a different post.

From being an average maid at the Shevarias, I became a personal attendant of the person that the other servants often addressed as 'substitute' when the Duke wasn't around.

According to the rumors, she was an orphan of common birth brought to the mansion due to her similar features to the deceased young lady of Shevaria. Her reputation didn't seem so good either due to her background. I suppose, that reason should be more than enough for me to say that I shouldn't get involved too much with her issues.

Apparently, it was the lady herself that chose me to be her personal maid. As far as I can remember, there were no interactions between the lady and I, so I find it doubtful as of how she came to know of me. But regardless of that, I must fulfill my duties well.

That applies even if we don't get along, in particular.

Year XXXX, July 20,

Today was my first meeting with the lady.

There were two things that I was ascertained of as soon as we've finished our interactions. First is that the lady doesn't quite like it when she's addressed as 'Lady Sherryl'. For that, she restricted me from calling her that way, at least when there isn't anyone around.

Second, is that we'll never get along except for when there's business. From this experience, I soon understood that milady also had a nasty side dwelling within her.

However, I could read from her eyes that she's not a bad person. Sure enough, there's a reason behind her actions.

But how dare a mere maid like me to poke into my master's matters?

Year XXXX, August 13,

I can hardly think that milady is truly a child of her age. Rather, I'd like to question what that child has gone through before she's been adopted into the Shevarias.

I somehow felt a sense of relief that she has regarded me as someone close to an ally. And I was thankful of how I preferred to remain neutral among the servants. If not, I must've ended up just like the head butler that was demoted from his position today.

Thinking that, a peculiar incident came into my mind.

A maid called Helen has been kicked out of the Dukedom on her first day to serve the current lady of Shevaria. I'm guessing, but could it be...?

Year XXXX, October 01,

The sky was clear, and the trees were becoming orangey, bit by bit.

I began my day with the thought that everything would proceed as usual today, but... it seems, that wasn't the case at all.

During the afternoon, I've entered milady's room at a wrong timing. The next thing I knew it, I've already witnessed a very frightening sight.

The lower part of the lady's eyes looked red. I was certain that those were traces of her, crying in the room, all alone.

Her right hand grasped a shard that engraved a wound on her skin, causing her to bleed. I could picture what exactly happened from the wretched state of the stuffed toy and the scattered fragments of a broken vase, down the floor.

As soon as milady noticed my presence, she ordered me to destroy the evidence not long after, with her usual bribery. I'm not sure why I didn't feel like accepting the money that time, even when it benefitted me. Perhaps, I was a bit overwhelmed of the situation. But, one thing's for sure...

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