Chapter 81

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Chapter 81: Confession

[]Third Person's POV []

"Accomplices, you say? That's inconceivable!", the prosecutor disagreed, and so did the people from the audience seat, in the middle of their mumbling.

"Have you forgotten it already, prosecutor? 'The Duchess and the young lady have a very close relationship.'"

Hearing Chandler's reminder, Darriel acted like he was surprised with the way he widened his eyes. Then, without further ado, Eicren shifted his gaze toward the red-haired woman in that setting and said;

"I happen to have been presented a confession from her grace, the Duchess."

At an earlier moment of his statement, his eyes looked at the juror's direction.

"Therefore, I request the jury to give her a chance to speak up a valuable information for this issue, right here right now."

A brief silence has befallen meanwhile the adjudicators focused their stares at the defendant. They seemed to ponder a lot over their decisions seeing how their demeanors were overflowed with solemnity. Then after a minute or two, the magistrate voiced out the settlement.

"Fair enough. You may speak, defendant Fleurette."

Mockery was spouted from the audience section. They have doubted whether the words that the Duchess would say at this point would actually be a matter of fact or not. But instead, this could make it more challenging rather than having a boring speech that could easily silence their ill-mannered mouths.

The pressure, of course, wasn't as thin as a strand of hair. Right now, Fleurette was just being passive of the way she sealed her fear to a place that's not under the whole venue's watch. But to think about it positively, this was amusing as it is in one way, to her point of view.

"The young lady has been a very kind company. If not for her encouragement, I would've been here with my eyes occupied by revenge and I have likely decided to prioritize it over the contentment of my one and only son."

"It was all thanks to her consideration as well that things went successful to a certain point by now. And here, I formally confess the fact-"

"That I, Fleurette Ivona von Shevaria has been working together with Melissa Ernel von Shevaria, all this time. I swear that upon my life!"

To pledge upon one's life was defined as the way it was. For the Duchess to have uttered such words could only mean that she was confident enough that she knew that her head wouldn't possibly be hanged at the gates of the capital as a display for those who needs to watch their mouths whenever they become determined to say something under that condition. After all, it wasn't the kind of statement that could be used for jokes or in a half-hearted manner.

As a result, the crowd became rowdy again, this time around. Even the judges were fazed while a few of them had their jaws dropped unconsciously, for the spur of a moment.

"Indeed, I am to be found guilty for the past crimes that I've committed, disregarding this one, and I'd prefer to willingly submit myself to repent upon the things that I've done. But if I am just going to end up being punished for my sins, I might as well drag the one behind all of these felonies!"

While these statements were being sent to be perceived by the whole courtroom, two individuals were slowly approaching the main stage.

There lingered the rustling sound of chains being swayed by the duo's movement, in that straight, shadowy hallway.

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