Chapter 64

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Chapter 64: The Right to Have Freedom

[]Third Person's POV []

(Note: The following events happened during the day before Fleurette and Melissa's discussion)

"This isn't likely to succeed.", the man uttered with his eyes that shone like rubies as soon as it was narrowed.

From his perspective, the chances of the plan to fail was very high. As such, he could only make a frown in front of the woman before her.

"I am aware. Nevertheless, this was the only one that had the most probability to succeed."

The Duke sighed. He looked rather impatient as soon as the discussion came to this. And the reason was so obvious that it was all written on his face.

"That man often makes a rampage when things don't go well for him. If he gets lured by this, it'll be much easier for us to take the lead.", Fleurette continued.

"And if he doesn't?"

"I'll be of your aid behind the scenes, with the utmost of my abilities."

Wendell's mouth twitched for a second.

So she'll just go and leave the rest for me to handle? He thought, being a bit annoyed.

"Can't you just pretend that you're still on his side, for the moment?"

"That can't be. I'm not a person that likes to place her fate into a risk."

Her words were quite convincing. Wendell thought that if he was in Fleurette's position, he would do the same. He wouldn't have liked it either if he was ordered to kill someone again.

"...Come to think of it, what made you change your mind?", he asked, for a change of pace.

It took a while before the Duchess could answer.

".....I didn't wish to drag my son into this mess. And most of all-"

"'That girl'... I refuse to kill her."

The room went silent. The Duke looked like he was reminded of something as he reacted with an expression full of mixed emotions.

"You seem to favor that lowly commoner.", he muttered, shifting his gaze toward a different direction.

Fleurette smirked in an offended manner.

"Honestly, I never expected that you'd have that kind of side as well. How noble-ish.~"

"What are you implying?"

"I'm just trying to say that that part of yours is quite ugly and detesting. How pitiful that child is."

Without minding how the Duke would respond, she continued to ridicule him without a single sign of fear.

"After making use of her, you immediately tossed her away as if she was a pawn."

"And then you'd go and push the blame to her for taking your hand back at the orphanage."

"How did you kno-"

"Really... You and your selfishness, oh mighty and honorable ex-war hero.", she raised her voice while she interrupted his sentence.

"What kind of war hero can be that cruel to his adopted child, I wonder? Aren't you curious too?"

Wendell abruptly stood as if he could no longer bear to hear the Duchess' statements.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going to take my leave now."

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now